

1. SUN : The sun is our soul in vedic astrology , it represents our father . It is the brightest planet of all the 9 planets. It is saturn's father and is the supreme of all. It also represents government , power and authority , our bosses and people with high prestige and honor. It represents our ego, our soul (alma karak ) , ambition , courage , creativity , cinema , theatre , arts , allopathic medicine , all government employees , pride etc. In medical astrology , it depicts heart, right eye , baldness and blindness . It is exalted in the sign of aries at 10 degrees which itself is a fiery sign . It gets debilitated at 10 degrees libra , just opposite to it. Its mooltrikona sign is leo. Exalted means that the planet is very strong and powerful. Debilated means it is in weak position.Its element is gold & color is red.

2. MOON : The moon is our mother in vedic astrology. It represents our emotions , mind, milk , water , salt , pearls ,  nourishment and protection , emotional security etc. Moon is of a lot of importance to us because moon is the reason why we are born . We also judge a horoscope from the moon  chart as well because it tells us how are we going to feel during the time of different planet time periods (mahadashas).It rules over  breast , stomach ,  watery disturbances , edema etc.
It gets exalted in taurus at 2-3 degrees. Its mooltrikona sign is cancer . Its element is pearl and silver .
Careers related to moon include nurses, fish industry , water transport jobs, marine jobs , all professions related to sea , oceans and nourishment. Its color is opaque white.

3. MARS :  Mars represents brother , boyfriends in vedic astrology . It does NOT represent your husband , thats jupiter because only jupiter can give you children. Mars is a soldier, a fighter . It represents our will power, courage , desire , passion , stamina, competition , toughness , anger , violence , fights , accidents , fire , color red , surgery , technical or mechanical ability,  and guns , bombs, As it is a very hot planet , it also shows people who are very sexually appealing , like people who go to gyms to make muscles would represent a perfect example . It gets exalted in capricorn at 28th degrees & gets debilitated in cancer at 28 degrees.Its own signs are ARIES AND SCORPIO. Its element is Ruby . Professions related to it : Army , police , athletes , military , detectives , martial arts fighters , sportmen , people working in fire departments , engineers . In our body it represents the blood and muscles , brain as well. 

 4. MERCURY :  represents our cousins , siblings . It also represents communication and logical and analytical thinking , people who think practically and logically . Its a very active planet and rules our memory .  Its color is green and element is emerald ( panna) . It represents maths , literature , languages , speech , memory , youthfulness, way of speaking , body language , health and hygiene ,  mental calculations & all figures required in doing business, hospitality ,  dexterity and cognitive abilities , twins , commerce and trade , school , education , INTELLIGENCE , witty , smart and cunning , talkative , CURIOSITY , In our body it represents nervous system , throat , arms , hands and memory.
It gets exalted in virgo at 10 degrees and debilitated in pisces at 10 degrees. Professions related : journalism , tv anchors and reporters , financial advisors , doctors , health experts , teachers , businessmen , traders , diplomats , negotiators , good liars , all professions related to publishing , speaking, writing 

5. JUPITER : represents husband , guru/teacher in astrology. Its a very large and heavy planet and expands things . It is a benefit planet and is like a blessing . Wherever he sits and wherever he aspects in a chart will tend to grow based on Jupiter’s influence.It  is full of knowledge and wisdom and represents wealth , children , finance , growth and life , botany , philosophy , charity , benevolence , pious , schools , education , truth , fortune , law , divine , kindness, prosperity , OPTIMISM , hope etc. It gets exalted in cancer at 5 degrees and gets debilitated in capricorn at 5 degrees. Its element is yellow sapphire and represents professions like teachers, counsellors , financial analysts , businessmen , doctors , spiritual leaders , philosophers , etc. In our body it rules over our liver , thighs , hips , cholesterol , weight , belly etc.

6. SATURN : represents old people in vedic astrology , people who are elderly and mature . It is the MOST important planet in the entire belt because it gives us only what we deserve and pays us with respect to the karmas of our past life , this is the reason why people are afraid of this planet . It is a karmic planet and that is why people are scared of it . It represents delays , sorrow , grief , slow and serious , stern behavior , obstacles , long term diseases , the color black , coal, petrol , crows , teeth, urad daal , drains , the masses and underprivileged people , servants , longevity , death , restrictions , rules , graveyards , bones ( SKELETON ) , discipline , poverty , fears and phobias , etc. "" IT IS A HUMBLE REQUEST TO ALL OF YOU TO RESPECT ELDER PEOPLE AND HELP THEM . IF NOT NOTHING ATLEAST LEARN TO LOVE AND RESPECT YOUR GRANDPARENTS . IT WOULD BE REALLY NICE IF YOU COULD SPEND TIME WITH OLD PEOPLE, THEY WANT NOTHING ONLY OUR LOVE AND AFFECTION '" 
It gets exalted in libra at 20 degrees and debilitated in aries at 20 degrees. Its element is blue sapphire . 

7. VENUS : rules over beauty , luxury , comfort , pleasure , music , dance , creativity , arts of all kind , semen , sex , love and romance ,  attraction etc. It is a benefic planet and represents wife in a man's chart and females in general. It gets exalted in pisces at 27th degree and debiliated at 27th degree in virgo . Its also represents all fun and enjoyment related things , cosmetics , singing , traveling , winning lottery , clothes , jealousy if afflicted etc. In our body it rules semen , all sexually transmitted diseases, kidneys , female and male reproductive system . Its element is diamond and professions are : singers/actors/dancers/artists/desingers/cosmetic industry/prostitutes/gynaecologists& urologists/plastic surgeons and all professions related to females.

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