Mars and saturn are enemies to each other , and this creates a planetary war zone , who wins the war is really decided on which planet is holding the lower degree , if mars hold the lower degree  it will dominate the conjunction . Mars is fire , desire , energy , passion , anger , effort etc and saturn is oil , discipline , structure , organization , fear , anxiety etc .This conjunction creates someone who is very hardworking , workaholic person who loves to get things done with his own effort , whatever you do in your life you get it be your own effort and hardwork . This conjunction can also make you prone to cuts , bruises and accidents . In which ever house this conjunction happens you will work very hard towards that thing to achieve it . Depending on the sign it is happening the nature will  change , if it happens in capricorn then all your energy is goal directed you are very focused and disciplined about your life , if it happens in aries then you are very ambitious , full of anger and all your energy goes in the wrong direction , if in cancer then you tend to get very emotional and think from your heart while making important decisions .You also have to look at the dipositor where it is placed . This conjunction creates people who start from scratch , and become successful with their own efforts and hardwork . They are self made and very independent . They are not afraid of failure and keep trying again and again to achieve their goals . In fiery signs like aries , leo , Sagittarius ...the true element of this conjunction comes alive because fire gives it all the more heat and pushes them forward . In watery signs like cancer , Scorpio and Pisces won't feel its effects to that great extent as water tends to calm down and cools this conjunction . In dual signs like Gemini , virgo ...they can become extremely manipulative to get something . In the sign of taurus , it can make a person very stubborn and rigid in his thoughts , beliefs a bull. In libra ...Saturn will get exalted , so it makes them quite balanced and diplomatic  , they will not be extremely focused and obsessed with their goals , but will do everything in a balanced way . In Aquarius , Saturn will become strong and such people will be very hardworking and may evaluate everything in a scientific manner , this combination in aquarius is a great position for people to go in fields of engineering and mechanic s . 

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