

Saturn is a planet which is the most feared by everybody . We tend to associate saturn with fear , losses , misery , death and pain . We feel as if this is that one planet which is creating all obstacles in our life and somehow our life is not able to progress smoothly because of it . As a result of this fear we do all sorts of things to please saturn and do whatever it takes to make its negative effects less in our horoscope . But have we ever tried to understand what this planet is actually trying to teach us and why is it that we are suffering . Every planet exists to teach us something about life .

If we cannot learn from our mistakes , then there is actually no point in moving forward . Every planet has its own way of teaching us our life lesson , some planets teach us that lesson easily , without  suffering much , on the other hand some planets have a harsh way of making us learn that lesson . 

Saturn is one such planet that strongly assesses all human beings based on their karma and hence is the most realistic planet . We , human beings often find ways and means to escape from our karma or whatever we do wrong in our life . Every human being is gifted with a conscious mind that guides us and helps us to distinguish between right and wrong . Saturn is that planet who treats everyone equally . Death doesn't distinguish between a rich and poor person and saturn follows the same rule . Saturn makes us work hard and it is only when a person works hard , day and night ...he realizes the importance of struggle . Sometimes we often wonder that why is that we have to put in 10 times more effort to achieve something and why is that we fail so many times before making it big . Well , behind every success story is a hidden saturn element , which  we all fail to notice . A person who becomes successful the hard way or the "saturn" way knows the importance of struggle and hence this makes him more humble and grounded , as compared to someone who was born with a silver spoon .

Saturn teaches us to be patient , humble and grounded . It wants all of us to experience some pain , some struggle in some aspect of our life , so that we realize its importance and value that thing even more . Whichever house saturn occupies in your life has an major teaching lesson attached to it , we just need to pay more attention towards that house , because it is a karmic house and any activity related to that house shall also be karmic . Saturn makes us pay attention to those aspects of life which we keep on ignoring or things that we often pay no attention to . It wants to make us responsible and loyal towards our duties , hence it makes the person more disciplined , structured and organized in life . Karma can be both good or bad , hence the karmic fruits are also bitter sweet . 

Saturn is  a planet of guarantee , it is a planet which surely gives you what is promised in your chart , because it has a permanent quality attached to it . It has a very solid foundation to it and doesn't change easily , so whichever house it occupies in your chart might feel a bit stagnated or slow in some way . But this does not mean that it is not evolving , saturn believes in transforming every single day , but in a slow and stable manner . Such transformations are long lasting and makes you more resilient in life .

People often feel disappointed when they find that saturn is delaying marriage in their chart and they somehow feel stuck in their love life , but they never try to introspect within , as to why is this happening . Maybe saturn is trying to teach them that they need to work on themselves first , then move on to understand others . How can we ever take the responsibility of another person in our life when we ourselves don't feel responsible and mature enough to understand our own self , maybe there is a lot more left to do before moving on to marry someone . 
Saturn is a planet of delays , because its a slow moving planet and moves with its own steady pace . It tries to teach us not only to be a bit more patient and calm , but also not to rush things in life . It tries to teach us to be balanced and to live in harmony with our environment . It is telling us to be more sympathetic towards other people , specially old and underprivileged  people . It wants people to pay more attention towards the suffering of other people and hence tries to teach us to be more grateful for whatever we have in our life . 


Saturn becomes weak in a chart , when it becomes debilitated ( saturn in aries ) or when it gets conjunct malefic planets like rahu , ketu or mars .

- Respect your elders and all elderly people around you . Try to help them in whichever way you can .

- Respect and care for underprivileged people and handicapped people . Try to help someone for their treatment and medical expenses .

- Respect all the servants in your home and workplace .

- Learn to speak less and do more through action .

- Practice patience with the help of mediation.

- Spend time with old people and orphaned children , by visiting an old age home or an orphanage . Do something which makes them happy .

- Be kind to animals and feed them .

- Clear all the clutter and waste in your house every Saturday. Try to keep your surroundings clean .

- Avoid non vegetarian and fried foods . 

** Try to incorporate these habits in your day to day life . Don't just do them to strengthen your saturn , but do them with an intention of making your life more meaningful . 

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