

Moon in vedic astrology represents your mother ,  your mind and emotions . It is a very sensitive planet and rules over our feelings and sentiments . It is the fastest moving planet and shows us the way a person thinks and feels. 2nd house in astrology represents your family , values , culture , tradition etc . It also shows your family's lineage and rules over your speech , face and the things that you value . It is house of wealth and accumulated assets . In the 2nd house , moon tends to give you a round face with a sweet and soft voice , specially in signs like taurus , cancer , libra or pisces .

It can also make you a natural singer . The native would love food , specially all milk related products like milk , ice cream , cheese , butter or ghee etc . They would naturally crave cooling and refreshing  liquid drinks. Moon in this house can also make the person  extremely emotional when they talk about their family or money . The person would be emotionally attached to their family  and family values . The native would also have an emotional attachment with their wealth and financial assets , which can also make the native spend all his money only on himself . The native's mother would have a dominant control over his money and assets , she would always make sure that the native does not over spend his money . This placement also shows that the native's mother would have a   prominent say in their family matters . This can also show a person who may be addicted to food and is always thinking about what to eat next . This placement also makes the person constantly think about money and how they can make more money . They can be extremely over protective about their family and wealth . They like to take care of their family and love nurturing their family members . Moon in 2nd house can also give wealth and fame to the person if it is creating a raj yoga/ dhan yoga , specially in the signs of taurus , leo , virgo , capricorn or cancer . If moon gets conjunct venus , then also it can give wealth and fame , provided the planets are not debilitated . From the 2nd house , moon aspects the 8th house with its 7th aspect , which shows that the person has  a desire to connect emotionally with intimate activities  and learn occult knowledge , to know more about hidden and secretive activities like astrology , mysticism , tarot , palmistry etc . The person would also develop an emotional attachment with his/her spouse's family , provided it is not afflicted with malefics and is occupying a friendly or a neutral sign. When moon occupies the sign of aries in the 2nd house , it can make the person very conscious of their face and body , they would be health conscious and would do things to make them look youthful . They would also be very protective of their family and would be courageous enough  to do anything for their family members . This can also make the extremely determined and focused to earn money . In the sign of taurus , it gives a beautiful round face to the person , they would be extremely fond of food , specially sweets and all milk related products , they would love collecting luxurious items and can also make a great singer . In gemini , it can make the extremely talkative with a wandering mind , they would always find it hard to stick to one decision , they keep changing their mind . In scorpio , the person would be very curious to know more about their family history , their culture , tradition and values . In Sagittarius , it can make the person religious and traditional . In Capricorn , it may give the person a harsh speech , specially if malefics aspect it and this also makes the person speak less and only talk only when necessary. In Aquarius , it can give the person a scientific bent of mind and they would often have a unique way of understanding and viewing things . In pisces , it makes the person  extremely intuitive and imaginative . In the sign of libra , it can make the person very creative and the person would have a melodious voice . The person would value relationships and would always maintain a diplomatic relationship with his/her family members . In leo , it can make the person very outspoken and confident , they would love to spend money and would crave extravagant expensive things . In virgo , it can make the person health conscious and they can also be critical of themsleves sometimes , specially of their face . In cancer , it makes the person extremely homely and attached with their family . They would have their emotions and sentiments attached with their wealth and family .

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