Everyone is talking about Manifestation and there have been tons of videos on the internet that talk about how they have manifested their soulmate, the job that they always wanted and the dream life that they always envisioned for themselves. On the surface, it looks quite unrealistic and unbelievable and I am sure you also must be wondering the same. The truth, however, is that it does work. In this article, I will explain how you can raise your vibration and energy to manifest anything that you wish for. 

In astrology, the one planet that becomes truly important and is the reason why this works is the planet- Moon. Yes, you read it right. It is Moon because the planet moon represents our mind, emotions, feelings etc. It is the way you feel about things and intuition is also seen through this planet. To raise your energy level and to connect with the universe at the right frequency, it is important to have this planet right for you. 

One very good practice to improve your moon and make it stronger is by meditating and connecting with the universe. Try to practice isolation and make your mind stable. This is when the magic truly starts to happen, because then you are able to read between the lines, sense things and get more vivid dreams. To truly manifest something, you have to step aside from all the noise and chaos and focus on your big desire. The universe really listens to your hidden desires and whatever you truly desire from the heart does come alive. 

To strengthen and activate the feminine Moon energy in your chart, you also need to look at the placement of this planet in your natal chart and also observe where the sign of cancer is, which 2 houses are getting involved. Once you have identified the houses, you have to do more activities and things related to that house. Eg: When Moon is in the 3rd house or 9th house, you have to travel more and engage in more creative hobbies. If Moon is in the 12th or 1st house, then you need to meditate more and get connected with your inner self. If Moon is in the 2nd house, then spend more time with family and be mindful of what and how much you eat, if Moon is in the 4th house, then try to work on developing a good relationship with your mother. Try to keep your house clean. Don’t clog up the energy of that house where Moon sits in your chart. Eg: If Moon is in 6th house or 10th house, keep your workplace clean and maintain good hygiene. If Moon is in 8th house, then try to be more spiritual and connect with your inner self by isolating yourself more. 

Doing these things regularly will surely strengthen the moon. As far as raising your vibration is concerned, for that you have to activate your heart chakra, that is also called the anahata chakra. This will help you to get more pure thoughts, it will bring more love to you and you will become more compassionate as a human being. When you do both these things and then manifest something, it will surely give you more powerful results. To truly have your desires come alive, you have to connect and live with those wishes. It is essential to not forget them and bring those desires to your subconscious mind by scripting, imagining those scenarios. This will help to push those in your unconscious mind and from there it will come in your dreams. This cycle will help to activate those desires and will quickly bring those in reality. 

I hope this article has given you a basic understanding of the core about the art of manifestation and how it works in astrology. I hope everyone manifests their dream life and gets what they are looking for. 

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