


The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of this conjunction is 'Comfort'. Venus and Moon, both are feminine planets and are the natural significators of the 4th house in Vedic astrology. Moon naturally governs the 4th zodiac sign of Cancer and represents our mother, comfort, wealth, food, milk, childhood and emotions. Venus also rules the natural 2nd house (Taurus), which represents family, food, wealth, abundance, speech, values etc. Venus and Moon are also naturally watery planets and have a fluid disposition. When two feminine and watery planets come together in one house, it is bound to make the person dreamy, emotion, attached related to the significations of that house. If this happens in the 7th house, the person would become very imaginative about his/her spouse and marriage. If this happens in watery signs like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces it would make the person excessively attached and clingy in relationships. In the 2nd house, the person would be extremely attached to their family and would also receive huge amounts of wealth and support from their family. 

This conjunction would work very well in Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn and Pisces. Earth signs tend to give materialistic gains to the native, specially if it occurs in the 1st/2nd/5th/7th/9th or  11th house. This also shows that the person would be either extremely attached to their mother or to their wife, in case of male natives. It also shows that the person always leans towards comfort in life, they love eating junk food, living a luxurious life and are not able to do much physical effort. It also makes the person quite dreamy in love and they like to imagine all sorts of scenarios in their head, It also makes the native quite sensual and romantic and tend to get easily influenced in matters of love. It also shows that the 'feeling component' or the 'vibes matching' become extremely important for such natives. Mostly, they are not very practical when it comes to love. They could be practical if this conjunction occurs in Aries/Virgo or Capricorn. 

This also forms a natural Dhan Yoga in the chart and the person usually gains a lot from their mother and the person is able to get a lot of support and care during their childhood years and also the person gains from their homeland. The house in which this conjunction occurs tends to fluctuate a lot. Eg: If this happens in the 2nd or 11th house, the person's wealth would fluctuate. If it happens in the 6th house, the persons health would fluctuate but the native could gain a lot of support from his/her mother's siblings/relatives. If this occurs in the 8th house, it can show that the person would receive a lot of support from their in-laws but the relationship with them could fluctuate. This conjunction also gives the person natural abilities towards creative things. In the 2nd house, it would give a very sweet voice to the native and in the 3rd/5th or 11th house, the person would be artistically inclined. In the 9th house, it can make the person devoted towards their gurus or father. In watery signs, this conjunction creates excessive attachment, makes the person intuitive, and makes the person quite emotional and sensitive. It also gives rise to a lot of insecurities and trust issues. 

This conjunction also makes the native's life more comfortable after marriage and can also lead to the purchase of a new vehicle or a new house after marriage. The person's wife proves to be lucky for the native, specially in the sign of Taurus/Libra or Cancer. In Watery signs, it also shows that the person's wife would be quite moody and unpredictable and in Earth signs like Virgo/Capricorn, the wife would be quite practical and logical. In the 10th house, this conjunction can give sudden fluctuations and frequent changes in the workplace, but the person would also find their peace and comfort when they are working. This can also show that the person has a tendency to form relationships at work or the person would like to flirt at work. In the 12th house, this conjunction can make the person very imaginative and sensual. The person would love spending time alone and would prefer not socializing with other people. In the 3rd house and 9th house, the person would love to form relationships while travelling and the person would love travelling. They would somehow always prefer the beach over mountains. In the 4th house, it shows that the person would be attached to their mother and homeland and the person would feel at peace when they would be at their home. They would not like to do a lot of physical  hard-work and effort.

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