Every planet aspects some house or another planet in Vedic Astrology. In simple words, the planet is watching that house or planet. If two people look at each other, they would have some influence on each other. Similarly, when two planets look at each other or look at a particular house, they have have an impact of their energy on that house. Every planet has different aspects. For eg: The planet Jupiter has 3 aspects- 5th House, 7th House and 9th House from where it sits in the chart. This means that it will aspect these houses from where it is already sitting. In the above chart, we can see that Jupiter is in 9th House, so it will aspect the 1st house (where Ketu is sitting), the 3rd house (Where Venus, Moon, Mercury are sitting) and the 5th house. This shows that Jupiter is blessing these houses and the planets as well. In this chart, Mercury is also the ascendant lord so when Jupiter aspects the ascendant as well as its lord, it shows that Jupiter will bring good luck and fortune to the native. When it aspects Moon which is in the 3rd house, it shows that the native will have positive thoughts in their mind and gives faith and hope to come out of anything in life. 

The planets Mercury, Venus, Sun and Moon only aspect the 7th house from where they sit. In the above chart, we see that Sun aspects the 8th house, Venus, Moon and Mercury will aspect the 9th house and Jupiter. One thing to note here that whenever two planets become 1/7 from each other, they both are aspecting each other. This shows that both are influencing each other with equal strength. The planet Mars has 3 aspects, it aspects the 4th house, 7th and 8th house from where it sits. So in this chart, Mars would be aspecting the 2nd house, 5th house and 6th house so it aspects Sun and Saturn in this chart. It's aspect on the 2nd house can show separation from the family as a debilitated Sun is already present there. The more number of malefic aspects are there on a particular house, the more adverse effects will be felt by that house. Similarly there is already a malefic planet in the 6th house (Saturn) and on top of that another malefic aspect on the 6th house could show fear from animals, unnecessary fights and conflicts, Court cases etc. 

Saturn also has three aspects- 3rd, 7th and 10th house from where it sits. In this chart, Saturn aspects the 8th house, 12th house and 3rd house. When Saturn aspects the malefic houses, then it is considered good. This also shows that the 6th house position is naturally a good placement for Saturn. Saturn's 3rd aspect will make the person put in effort and hardwork, so in this chart when it looks at the 8th house, it can show efforts being put in for joint assets, insurance, longevity etc. It's 10th aspect is quite karmic and shows some heavy karma related to the significations of that house. In this birth chart, it is looking at the 3rd house so it can show karma related to younger siblings, neighbors, cousins etc. 

Rahu and Ketu aspect the 5th and 9th house from where they sit. In the above horoscope, Rahu would aspect the 11th and 3rd house. Ketu would aspect the 5th house and 9th house ( where Jupiter is already sitting). Note that in this chart, Jupiter and Ketu are both aspecting each other. Rahu is aspecting Mars in the 11th house and the three planets (Venus, Moon and Mercury) in the 3rd house. Since Jupiter and Ketu both look at each other, it can make the person spiritual and religious. Rahu would enhance the significations of the 3rd house as well as of Venus, Mercury and Moon, making the person extra creative and witty with their speech and communication. 

Rahu's aspects would amplify the qualities of those houses where it is aspecting. Ketu's Aspects will constrict the significations or would make the person detached with respect to those houses. Aspect of Jupiter will expand the significations of those houses and it works as a divine blessing. It saves the native from many adversities in life and provides positivity and hope. Aspect of Mars would add more fire to those houses and would cause a bit upheaval in those houses. If a debilitated Mars would aspect these houses, then it has a capability to give more adverse results, on the other hand, if a strong Mars ( Like in Aries/Leo/Capricorn or Sagittarius) would look at the houses, then it would add more power and strength to the houses. Saturn's aspects would naturally add more hardwork, effort to those houses.  

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