In Vedic astrology, Rahu stands for things like fame, power, magic, amplified things, and illusions and deceptions. We are aware of how significant this planet is in our life today and that Rahu's assistance is necessary if we are to accomplish anything significant. Rahu also symbolizes acquiring material goods through unethical means. 12th house in astrology is the house represents isolation, dreams, foreign countries, detachment, losses, expenditures, hospitals, bedroom life, moksha and attaining enlightenment. It is kind of a hidden house and also represents some hidden talents that a native might have. This house also represents escapism and imagination. This house represents all the things opposite to the 6th house. Many significations of the sign of Pisces also hold true for this house.
When Rahu occupies this house, it shows that it can make the individual extremely imaginative and aloof. The individual is often caught in his/her own dreams and often fantasizes a lot. This can also make the individual extremely sharp and clever and can give them cunning ideas. This placement can also produce masterminds and brilliant innovators. On the downside, it can produce criminals who can land themselves in jails. This placement is also seen commonly seen in the charts of doctors, people working in hospitals, people working abroad, or people working in mental asylums. All of this depends upon the sign in which Rahu is placed in and also the nakshatra in which it is placed in. This placement also shows that the individual would often be frustrated with his routine is his/her own country and would want to move out. This position can also make the person fall prey to frauds, losses through foreign sources specially when the native is running Rahu mahadasha. This placement can also make the person very creative if it is associated with Venus or placed in Taurus/Libra. It also shows that the native might be a brilliant dancer or would love dancing.
12th house also represents your sleep and this shows that the native might have difficulty sleeping. If this is the case, then it shows that Rahu in your chart is kind of unstable. One such remedy that is given to pacify this energy is rubbing coconut oil on the sole of your feet. This placement also shows that there might be something odd about the native's feet. When Rahu is placed with Moon or Mercury in this house, it can also show that the native might be an excellent writer. This is also true if the 3rd lord is conjunct Rahu in this house. When Rahu is in Gemini or with Mercury, it shows that the native might be extremely self-obsessed and might only talk about themselves all the time. Any planet that is conjunct Rahu would change things a bit. Rahu with Sun or in the sign of Leo can show that the native might into trouble with a foreign government if Rahu is malefic in the chart and if it is benefic then the native might benefit from foreign governments. It also shows that the native's confidence and self-esteem would stem from foreign countries. When Rahu is placed in Capricorn or conjunct Saturn, it can show that the native would work in a foreign country or might have some connection with a foreign country with respect to his/her profession. This placement shows that the native has some karma associated with foreigners and foreign countries.
When Rahu is placed with Mars or in Aries/Scorpio, it can show that the native might have some land in a foreign country or might have a brother living abroad. It can also show that the native might be obsessed about things related to the 12th house and would aggressively want to achieve quick wins in life. When Rahu is placed with Moon in 12th house, it can show that the native's education might have suffered, and the native's mother might have faced some hardships after the birth of the native. It also shows that the native would always think big and have big dreams. It can make the native very imaginative and if it is malefic, then it can make the person addicted to alcohol. It can also make the native have secret affairs. It can also take the person towards depression and can make the person extremely emotionally unstable. All this depends upon the sign in which this conjunction is happening. It can also make the person have scary dreams and can make the person anxious. The native would do well in a foreign land. When Rahu is placed with Jupiter or in a sign like Sagittarius or Pisces, then it can show that the native would receive advice from a foreigner or from foreign sources. It can also show that the native would find a guru in a foreign country or for a female, it can show that the female can find her spouse in a foreign country if Rahu is conjunct Jupiter. It can also show that the native might receive education in a foreign country.
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