In Vedic astrology, the Sun, or Surya, is one of the most important planets. It is considered the king of all planets and represents the soul, vitality, ego, willpower, and creativity. The Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo and is exalted in Aries. Mercury is known as Budha and is considered to be the planet of communication, intelligence, and wit. It is the ruling planet of Gemini and Virgo and is exalted in the sign of Virgo. Mercury represents the intellect, speech, logic, and analytical abilities. It rules over all forms of communication, including writing, speaking, and technology. It is also associated with trade, commerce, and business. In a natal chart, the placement of Mercury can reveal a person's communication style, mental abilities, and capacity for learning. It can also indicate areas of interest and skill in fields such as writing, teaching, or public speaking. Venus is known as "Shukra" in Sanskrit. Venus is considered a benefic planet and is associated with love, beauty, harmony, creativity, luxury, sensuality, and material wealth. It represents the feminine principle, and its energy is often associated with relationships, partnerships, and socializing.
The conjunction of Sun, Venus, and Mercury indicates a strong creative and communicative energy. This combination can enhance one's ability to express themselves clearly, persuasively, and artistically. It can also indicate a talent for writing, speaking, teaching, or other forms of communication. Venus is the planet of beauty and attraction, and its conjunction with the Sun and Mercury can enhance one's charisma, charm, and physical attractiveness. This combination can also indicate success in areas related to beauty, fashion, and the arts.
This combination also shows the native's father would be very creative or would have an attractive personality. He would be calculative and would have a good business acumen. This combination can also give multiple affairs, provided Mercury and Venus are very close to each other in terms of degrees and Sun is a bit far away. The native can pursue their education in any creative/artistic field or can even go towards management. If this conjunction happens in fiery signs like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, then it shows that Sun will dominate this conjunction. If it happens in watery signs like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces, then it shows that Venus will dominate this conjunction and if it happens in earth signs like taurus, then it shows that both Venus and Mercury will dominate this conjunction, if it happens in Virgo, then Mercury will dominate the conjunction and if it happens in Capricorn, then again both Venus and Mercury will dominate the conjunction.
This conjunction also shows that for a male native, the person's wife would have qualities of Sun and Mercury, so it shows that the wife would come from a reputed family, would be confident and outspoken and would be very talkative and knowledgeable. For a female native, it shows the woman would gain a lot of fame and recognition after marriage. It also shows that the native might attain higher education after marriage if Mercury is ahead of Venus in terms of degrees. It also shows that the native's house would be in such a place where a lot of high-status people live and the house would be situated in a highly commercialized locality, surrounded by a lot of shops and banks.
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