

In vedic astrology , marriage is seen from the 7th house . The planets sitting  in the 7th house , aspecting the 7th house and the 7th lord etc . For a love marriage to happen , there must be the influence of venus ( the planet of love , romance ) on the 7th house , 7th lord  directly or indirectly in the D1 and D9 (Navamsa chart ). Sometimes this influence is not found in the D1 chart , but can be seen in the D9 chart . However this is the most basic indication of a love marriage and cannot be solely taken as an indication of a love marriage . There are many other things that need to be seen and many different combinations exist , some of them are given below :

* Connection between the 5th house , 5th lord with 7th house or  7th lord ( by aspect ,  parivartana conjunction or if they are 5/9 to each other ) 

* Venus in the 5th/7th/11th/1st house ....increases the chances of love marriage .

* Venus is connected with the 5th house or 5th lord and 7th house or 7th lord 

* Connection between mars and venus ( by parivartana , conjunction or aspect ) also increases the chances of love marriage as it creates passion and romance .

* Moon in the 1st/7th house 

*Connection between 5th and 9th house 

* 1st lord is in the 1st/7th house and 7th lord is in the 1st/7th house 

* Parivartana between 1ST  and 7TH lords.

* Venus is occupying the signs of mars (aries and scorpio)

* Mars is occupying the signs of venus (taurus and libra)

*Rahu venus conjunction also increases the  chances , specially if placed in 1st/5th/7th/11th house .

* Rahu conjunct the 5th,7th lord or aspects the 5th and 7th house .

* Rahu jupiter conjunction , specially if occurring in both D1 AND D9 charts increases the chances of getting foreign spouse. 

* Rahu venus mars conjunction , specially if in the 5th,1st,7th,11th house 

Mars is connected with the 5th and 7th house 

* Venus is placed 5th/7th from the 7th lord 

* Mars in 5th, 9th house

* Nakshatra parivartana ( exchange) between Mars and venus

* Nakshatra parivartana ( exchange) between  5th lord and 7th lord

{ Nakshatra Parivartana means exchange of nakshatras , for e.g.: For a virgo ascendant , if the 5th lord saturn is occupying purvabhadrapada nakshtara , ruled by Jupiter  and Jupiter is occupying Pushya nakshtatra ruled by saturn , this shows a nakshatra  exchange between 5th lord ( Saturn ) and 7th lord (Jupiter)  }

These are the positions which mainly give rise to love marriage in vedic astrology . It is important to look at these placements in both D1 and D9 chart . The chances of love marriage increases doubly if these placements persist in the D9 chart also . 

The combinations of an ARRANGED MARRIAGE  are also there , which are as follows :

* Connection between 4th and 7th house ( by aspect , conjunction , parivartana )

* Jupiter in 3rd/1st/7th/11th house ....specially if it is in the 7th house .

* Venus is connected with the 4th house or 4th lord

*Venus in connection with saatvic planets like sun , moon and jupiter

*If the 2nd ,7th and 11th houses are connected 

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