This is an example of a basic vedic chart . This is an example of an aries ascendant , because there is number 1 written in the 1st house . If instead of number 1 , number 9 would have been written , that would make it a sagittarius ascendant chart . So the first step is to find out your ascendant ( The most important house , it represents your physical existence ) . If you see the number 

1 = ARIES ascendant  ( ruled by mars )

2= TAURUS ascendant ( ruled by venus)

3= GEMINI ascendant ( ruled by mercury )

4= CANCER ascendant (ruled by moon )

5= LEO ascendant  ( ruled by sun)

6= VIRGO ascendant ( ruled by mercury)

7= LIBRA ascendant ( ruled by Venus )

8= SCORPIO ascendant ( ruled by mars)

9= SAGITTARIUS ascendant  ( ruled by jupiter )

10= CAPRICORN ascendant  ( ruled by saturn)

11= AQUARIUS ascendant ( ruled by saturn)

12= PISCES ascendant  ( ruled by jupiter) 

1. After finding out your ascendant , the first thing that you will notice is your ascendant lord , the planet ruling your ascendant , where is it going . Depending on which house it occupies , your whole life will majorly revolve around that house . i.e. : For a gemini ascendant , if mercury goes in the 9th house in the sign of aquarius , its shows the person's entire life revolves around traveling , gaining higher knowledge , engaging in spiritual and religious journeys , doing charity , preaching other people about morals and duties , exploring new cultures and trying out new cuisines . 

2. The next thing to look at is your moon sign and placement , moon is the seed of our past life karmas , and hence the vimshotrri dasha also begins by the nakshatra lord of your moon sign . The moon represents your mind , the way you think about everything in this life . Moon also represents your mother , so this placement can also tell a lot about your mother's nature and personality .

3. Then look at the sun sign and its placement , sun is your soul , vitality . The position of sun and the sign gives a  basic understanding of your personality . Sun also represents your father in astrology , so it can also throw some light about your relationship with him .

4. Then , look at all the other planets mercury , venus , saturn etc . See their house rulerships and where their lord is going . 

5. See all the aspects , which planet is aspecting which house ...if any 2 planets are mutually aspecting each other , that creates  a mutual aspect and is as good as a conjunction , but with lesser intensity .

6. To see how strong an aspect or a conjunction is , see the degrees of the planets . If the planets are within 8 degrees , then it is a strong conjunction or aspect . If more than 10 degrees apart , then you won't feel so much effect of such a conjunction or aspect .

7. Note down the functional benefic and functional malefic planets for your ascendant . See all the yogas that are being formed like raj yoga , dhan yoga , vipreet raj yoga etc . Also see how strong these yogas are by the degrees of the planets .

8. See the nakshatra of moon , which is also very important and gives a more deep understanding of your personality . Also see the nakshatra lord of the moon , where is it going , how strong it is ? . i.e. : If moon is in pushya nakshatra , ruled by saturn ...see how strong saturn is . Even if a planet is debilitated , but its nakshatra lord is strong , then it will give good results . 

9. Also see the nakshatras of all other planets .

10. See each and every planet's position in the D9 chart also ( Navamsa) chart . D9 chart shows the true dignity of the planets . 

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