Rahu ( The north node of the moon ) is like an amplifier in vedic astrology . It likes to blow away things instantly . It is a secretive planet and represents foreign things and foreigners . It wants to obtain all things instantly by hook or by crook , without putting in any hardwork . Saturn , on the other hand is the planet of discipline , duty and responsibility . It likes to obtain things by legal means and likes to work hard slowly and steadily . Whenever they both get conjunct in a chart , it shows that this person is very secretive in nature , they don't like to expose themselves a lot and love the deeper , darker side of life . They are naturally attracted towards mystical subjects like astrology , numerology , tantrik , palmistry . They find all these things really fascinating . They may also be addicted to bad habits like smoking , drinking and gambling ( specially if placed in 3rd,5th,8th,12th house ). If it occurs in the 2nd house or is connected with the 2nd lord , then such people can abuse a lot and they also tend to lie . Both Rahu & Saturn are karmic planets , so in whichever house this conjunction happens , there will be some pending or future karma to be performed towards that particular house . 

They also get opportunities to travel to foreign lands and interact with foreigners . If this conjunction occurs in the 1st,12th,2nd ,8th house ...then such people may also have brilliant intuitive powers or they may be psychologically depressed and lonely . 

Such people can also do great as lawyers and IAS officers if this conjunction happens in signs like capricorn and virgo , specially in the 6th/10th house . They can also be great at doing research and digging deep into things . Many detectives and investigators also have this conjunction . In 8th house , it can make you a great tantrik , healer , psychiatrist /psychologist , researcher , drug dealer or detective . 

For the accurate prediction of career , other things also have to be seen ...but this conjunction supports the above career fields. 

Depending on which sign , this is placed in ...it can go either ways . This conjunction will do well in earthy signs like Taurus , virgo , capricorn .  The degrees of the two planets also have to be seen , how close or far apart this conjunction is ... this conjunction is strong if it is within 7 degrees. The nakshatra in which these planets are placed , also show the strength of the conjunction .

Such people can also  be extremely hardworking people , or some may not do any hardwork & will always choose the easy road . This conjunction can work both ways . 


This conjunction will do very well in these signs . In taurus , rahu feels exalted and saturn is in its friendly sign of venus . So in taurus , such people will be very secretive about their wealth and family . They won't reveal much about these things and this conjunction can also make them very rich , specially if it happens in the 2nd , 6th, 10th , 11th house . In virgo , such people can come out to be very cunning and smart (  manipulative ) , they become extremely logical and practical . They become extremely good at doing things by hands. In capricorn , they become very hardworking and sincere . They like to follow the rules and can even hold high administrative posts in government .


Rahu feels very weak and lost in water signs . It loses its ambition and motivation to a achieve something . In cancer , it can make a person extremely sensitive and naive . But if it occurs in Pushya nakshtra , then it can be considered strong as saturn rules over that nakshatra . In scorpio , it can make the person attracted towards dark , mysterious things ...the person runs towards taboo breaking and unconventional things . However , it can make the native very good with mystical subjects like tantrik and astrology . In Pisces , the person becomes highly original and imaginative . 


In fire signs , the energy of this conjunction can go haywired , specially in aries and leo . In aries , saturn will get debilitated and makes the person extremely aggressive and stubborn . Such people are very career oriented and focused like a horse . They are full of energy . In leo , again...such people can be very stubborn and creative . They focus their energy towards creative things like music , dance , theatre and cinema . In sagittarius , it  can make the person  very philosophical and these people travel a lot , they explore new hidden secrets and discover new things by traveling .


In air signs also , this conjunction will do extremely well . In gemini , again such people will be very talkative , very smart and intelligent . They will be good with words and may also speak in a secretive manner . In libra , saturn will become exalted  and Saturn will make rahu  put efforts  towards  creative things . Rahu over here , also makes the person very independent , in libra . In aquarius , it can show someone who is an electrical / electronics engineer and makes the person scientific . The person can also have a large network circle of foreign people and can also gain from foreign lands . 

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