There are many ways of predicting the timing of marriage in vedic astrology . In the parashara system , we majorly use 2 tools to predict marriage timing . The dashas and transits of planets . The dasha provides us with a basic plan , it gives a time frame and with the help of transits we can accurately pin point the timing of the marriage . In vedic astrology , the 7th house is the house of marriage & the 7th lord shows the characteristics of the spouse. To determine the timing of marriage , the dashas to look  out for are :

The mahadasha/antaradasha  of :

# 7th lord / 1st lord
# Planet sitting in the 7th house,1st house or aspecting the 7th house
#Venus - The natural significator of marriage ( for both males & females )
# The planets conjunct the 7th lord
# Jupiter dasha ( for females )

All the above things have to be looked in both the main lagna chart as well as in the Navamsa chart , if a particular dasha seems to get confirmed in both the D1 & D9 chart , then the likelihood of marriage in that dasha gets enhanced further .

In transits , planetary transits to look out for are :

# When 7th lord comes in 1st house/7th house , aspects the 1st or 7th house
# When there is a mutual exchange between the 1st and 7th lord ( i.e. : 1st lord in 7th house and 7th lord in 1st house )
# Venus in 1st/7th house ( Both for males and females)
# Jupiter in 1st/7th house or aspects the 7th/1st house  ( Only for females )
# The planet whose Mahadasha/antaradasha you are running comes in the 1st/7th axis .
# The planet whose Mahadasha/antaradasha you are running transits over your 7th lord or Venus
# When both jupiter and saturn aspect the 1st/7th house or they look at the 7th lord/Venus
# Rahu transits over your natal Venus or Venus transits over your natal Rahu .

The Jaimini system provides an even more accurate and simplified way of predicting the timing of marriage with the help of chara dasha , which is a sign based dasha . In jaimini astrology , there is another tool called darakaraka , which is the planet holding the lowest degree except Rahu & Ketu . The darakaraka is  related to marriage and is useful in knowing the characteristics of the spouse . So , to determine the timing of marriage , the charadashas to look for are :

# The sign in which the darakaraka is placed or the sign opposite to it
# The sign in which the 7th lord is placed or the sign opposite to it
# The sign in which Venus is placed or the sign opposite to it
# The 2 signs of Venus ( Taurus and Libra )

** All the above things have to be looked in both the main lagna chart as well as in the Navamsa chart .

*** The mahadasha of Rahu and antaradasha of Venus ( RAHU-VENUS) or the Mahadasha of Venus and antaradasha of Rahu ( VENUS-RAHU) also brings about marriage & if you are running through these periods irrespective of where your rahu and venus are placed , this time period itself can bring sudden marriage . 

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