

The 7th house in vedic astrolgy deals with marriage and spouse . The kind of spouse one will get depends on various factors . Many different things have to be seen to come to a conclusion about the kind of spouse you will get . In vedic astrolgy , the main significator of a foreign spouse / intercaste / inter religion marriage lies in Rahu . Rahu is the planet that deals with anything and everything to do with foreign things and things which require you to break your boundaries and unorthodox , weird and unusual things .

So if there is a foreign element , or marriage is done by a strange way , and does not follow a traditional manner , then Rahu is at play. The following combinations in vedic astrology can represent a foreign spouse and increases the possibility that the marriage may be done in an unconventional way .

# Rahu - Jupiter conjunction in main birth chart or in the navamsa chart . If it happens in both , then the probability of a foreign spouse increases twofold . Even if it doesn't happen in the main Lagna chart , but happens in the navamsa chart , then the chances are there . (Both for males and females)

# Rahu Venus combination is also seen to give a foreign spouse or result in an intercaste marriage or even an interstate marriage . For males , this combination can give foreign spouse because Venus represents the wife, but for a female could also simply mean that the marriage was performed in a different way , and not by the traditional pattern ( Court marriage , for eg )

# If the darakaraka gets conjunct the 12th Lord or if it gets conjunct Rahu .

# If the 7th Lord goes in the 12th house or the 7th and 12th Lord are in a mutual parivartana , or the 12th and 7th Lords mutually aspect each other.

# Venus in 12th house ( Males) , Jupiter in 12th house (Females )

# Venus gets conjunct the 12th Lord (Males) , and Jupiter gets conjunct the 12th Lord (Females )

# The sign of pisces gets associated with the 7th Lord , 7th house , Jupiter ( for females ) and Venus in Pisces ( for males )

# If in the navamsa chart , 3 or more planets sit in the 12th house or get associated with the 12th Lord , or the sign of pisces becomes prominent.

# Having Rahu in the 7th house and if 7th lord makes a connection with 9th house .

# Having Venus in the 9th house , aspected by Rahu .

# Having the 7th lord / Venus in the nakshatra of Rahu ( Ardra , Swati and shatabhisha )

#  5th and 9th house are connected by conjunction , aspect or nakshtra parivartana .

# Rahu is connected with the 5th/9th house and 7th house/ 7th lord is also involved .

**All these combinations have to be seen in the navamsa chart also and if they occur in both , then the chances are further enhanced. 

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