

RAHU ( The north node of the moon ) is the planet of illusion , deception & mystery . It represents the head part ( the upper part) of the dragon , hence it rules the upper part of the body . Rahu is becoming increasingly important in today's day and age . All the modern technology and new electronic devices come under the domain of RAHU.

According to the Vimshottri dasha system , Rahu dasha lasts for 18 years . This period in a native's life will revolve around the things related to Rahu :

* Manipulation   * Casinos               * Paternal grandfather & Maternal Grandmother
* Gambling         * Politics                * Widows
* Speculation      * Stock market        * In laws
* Foreign lands     * Sudden fame       * Confusion              
* Bit coins             * Sudden losses      * Atheist

* Drugs            * Snakes        * Mosquitoes                         * Cats
* Alcohol         * Scorpions     * All nocturnal animals       * Poison
* Smoking          * Ants             * Lizards
* Unnatural Sex       *  Owls     * All venomous animals and plants

* Psychiatrists & Psychologists    * Politicians      * Pilots                    * X ray Technicians
* Drug dealers                                * Actors & Magicians          * Aeronautics                 * Electricians
* Pharmacists                                  * Researchers      * Genetic engineers      * Terrorists
* Engineers and doctors                  * Photographers   * Astrologers              * Hackers and coders

* Skin diseases   * Intestine problems      * Bomb blasts
* Cancer              * Ulcers                         * All psychological disorders ( i.e. schizophrenia )
* All viruses         * Rare diseases                      * Homosexuality            
* Suicides             * All genetic disorders             * Leprosy
* Cataracts            * Sudden death & accidents       * Asthma and respiratory illnesses
* Abnormal behavior and mental illnesses

* Mirror      * Big fancy cars                                           * Films and cinema   * Mosques
* Lead         * All electronic devices ( i.e. microwave )   * Prostitution                * Tombs
* Watch        * Chimney                                                   * Scandals and scams   * Magic
* Shoes         * Smoke , soot and smog                            * Graveyards                * Hypnotics
* Secretive activities       * Crime scene investigation & Forensics

In these 18  years , the person's life will majorly revolve around these things and suddenly on the onset of this mahadasha , these representations will come up . Rahu maharaja can be good or bad depending on many things like Rahu gives the results based on the sign in which it is placed in . Mercury , Venus and Saturn are his friends so it gives best results if placed in ( Taurus , gemini , Virgo , libra , capricorn or aquarius ) . It also does well in signs like Cancer ( Mooltrikona sign ) , leo and sagittarius . In scorpio , at around 20 degrees goes in deep debilitation and becomes exalted in taurus at the same degrees . It does not perform well in scorpio and aries . In aries , Rahu becomes more like mars and the destructive energy can increase . In scorpio , it seems to lose its focus  and becomes highly emotional in attaining his goal .

Rahu gives excellent results in 3,6,10 and 11 houses . It also goes well in 1,5,7,9 houses if placed in good signs . In  8 and 12 houses , it does not give that good result .

Rahu can give sudden name and fame to the person if placed in 1,2,5,7,9 ,10 or 11 house and is making a good raj yoga with other planets . RAHU forms a raj yoga when it gets conjunct the lords of a trikona ( 1,5,9 ) house and a kendra ( 1,4,,7,10 ) house . Rahu can also give sudden windfall of money if it becomes  a part of a dhan yog and sits in the 2,5,9 or 11 house . Rahu can give sudden losses and ill fame if badly placed in the 8th , or 12 house . For rahu to be strong , the sign in which it is placed in should be friendly and the depositor should also be strong . It is seen that Rahu gives the best results when placed alone , however this is not entirely true . Rahu can also give excellent results by conjunction with other planets , provided a good yoga is being formed .

RAHU JUPITER CONJUNCTION : Jupiter is the only planet that can control Rahu . If this conjunction happens then jupiter makes sure that rahu is not able to give negative results and keep Rahu under control . However , with this even jupiter is not able to provide good auspicious results and is only able to control Rahu .

Rahu mahadasha can be like a roller coster due to the " sudden " element in it . To further see how the rahu dasha will be , you will have to make Rahu the ascendant and read the position of other planets from there . i.e. : If rahu is in leo , make leo the ascendant and read the chart then . See where jupiter is going by making leo the ascendant to judge the Rahu - Jupiter dasha. Also see the pada in which rahu is placed in , if Rahu is in magha ( Nakshtra pada 4 ) , then this shows that the full effect of the rahu dasha will come in the last part of the whole dasha , as in the last 4 years of the rahu dasha . If it was placed in Magha , pada 1 ...then the major effect will be felt in the beginning of the dasha . Also to judge the strength of Rahu , we need to look at the nakshtra lord of Rahu . i.e. : If rahu is in Magha , then also see the position and strength of ketu .

***Also see the sign and house position of Rahu in the D9 chart .

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