
Debilitated Planets Results in Vedic Astrology/ NEECH GRAHA

Whenever​ a planet gets debilitated , it does not always mean that the planet will only give bad results and will not produce any good results . A planet which is debilitated shows that some significations related to that particular planet are lacking in your life . We need to impove upon those areas in our life . Eg : if mars is debilitated in your chart , it somewhere shows that when it comes to being courageous , displaying anger or dealing with your enemies tend to get emotional and think from your heart ( if mars does not receive any neechbhang ) . Debilitated planets gain strength when they receive a neech bhang & no longer give the same bad results that they were supposed to give , so neech bhang reduces some of the negative effects .

If a planet does not receive a neech bhang , it does not always mean that the planet is weak and will give bad effects only . The following points should be seen :

* If the nakshtra lord of the debilitated planet is exalted , in a friendly sign and is strong ...then it provides strength to the debilitated planet . i.e.: If Venus is in virgo in hasta nakshatra & moon is exalted or placed very well , it gives strength to the debilitated venus .

* The sign placement of the debilitated planets should also be seen in all divisional charts . If a debilitated saturn in rashi chart is exalted in the D10 chart will not give bad results in your career , or if it is placed in friendly sign like taurus in D3 chart ....then significations related to that particular chart will be protected ( siblings , courage and general happiness )

A debilitated planet can be strengthened by strengthening the house opposite to it . i.e. : If Sun is debilitated in the 8th house in libra , it shows to strengthen the significations of sun , the 2nd house needs to be strengthened using the sign of aries , because that is where in your chart , sun feels the most powerful and important . Sun in libra feels under confident and lacks self esteem , every time it has to deal with the things related to the 8th house ( emergencies , in laws , fears etc) , it can only feel powerful and strong whenever it gets united with his own family , wealth etc . 8th house is other people's money so such people with a debilitated sun in 8th house will lack the confidence to keep other people's possessions and money .

Another example could be of debilitated jupiter in the 5th house in capricorn , the strength of this jupiter will come from the 11th house , getting involved with your friends , elder sibling and working with large organizations will improve this jupiter provided it is done with care , nourishment and a selfless attitude, because the sign of cancer is there in the 11th house .

A debilitated Venus in the ascendant can make a person feel less beautiful than others and can make a person very critical and calculative in love & relationships , they often fail to see the beauty of true love , provided it does not receive any neech bhang , to improve such a venus ....they will have to explore relationships and meet new people ....which will help them to feel they are still beautiful and worthy . Marriage is one important thing which can strengthen this Venus , provided they learn to be a bit calm , patient and imaginative in love and relationships .

A debilitated mercury in the 12th house can make a person very confused about the idea of spirituality , and moksha ....they may get opportunities for traveling to foreign lands , but being away from their normal routine life in their own country will make them frustrated and they will somehow not be able to understand foreign people and foreign places . When they engage themselves in charitable work , social service and being set in a normal routine job .....that will provide strength to such a mercury because that is where mercury can perform the best , in the 6th house and all activities related to that house . 

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