

Whenever a planet is retrograde in your chart , that planet is moving against the motion of sun . Usually all planets move in the same direction as sun , but from time to time planets reverse , stop and become stationary . When the planet appears to move backwards with respect to the movement of the earth , it is said to be retrograde . RAHU & KETU are always retrograde . Sun and Moon are never retrograde . Retrograde planets are thought to be quite powerful and strong , because whenever a planet goes retrograde , it is much closer to the earth and its effects are more profound .

All retrograde planets except saturn make  us work harder on the significations represented by that planet , and retrograde planets are in a constant need to perfect themselves . Retrograde planets makes the person think intrinsically and there is a lot of self introspection involved . Debilitated planets , when retrograde behave like exalted planets and are no longer in a weak state . 

Saturn is the only planet when retrograde produces the best results because retrogression makes the planet give results opposite to the actual true nature of the planet , so when saturn is retrograde does not delay things in a native's life and gives results effortlessly . Such people usually invest much less hardworking than  other people and tend to get the results . However a retrograde saturn can at times make you feel burdened and such people always need to solve karmic issues related to the house saturn rules and the house in which it is  posited . i.e. : A retrograde saturn in the 7th house will not delay the marriage but can make you feel karmically burdened with marriage .

Venus , when retrograde makes the person extremely indecisive in relationships , they become critical of their own beauty and fail to look within themselves . They will also be very hesitant in moving forward in relationships and will think a lot to make the next move . In some cases , a retrograde venus can also make the person homosexual and somehow  they are not satisfied  with the love they receive from other people . They also feel very under confident in giving love to other people including their spouse or partner . However this venus can give the person a very unique style and such people can think very creatively in different ways and they tend to make their own identity wherever they go.

A retrograde Mercury can make the person impractical and illogical in making decisions , it can make the person extremely indecisive in all the things where the application of mind is required . Such people can also have an extremely different way of thinking and idealizing things which helps them see the world from a completely different point of view . This can go both ways , depending on many other factors like conjunctions and aspects and the sign in which it is placed in , this mercury can make you a genius in subjects like maths , english and can give you excellent analytical skills or can make you struggle with speech issues , memory problems and can create situations in which people misunderstand you or situations which can cause communication gaps with people . It may also be possible , only some the above said things get triggered and not all .

Jupiter represents wisdom , knowledge , children , education , gurus , spirituality , religious things , optimism , growth , wealth etc . Whenever jupiter is retrograde , there is role reversal and the person kind of goes against all the moral & ethical things bound by the society and religion . The person may become atheist and not religious . The person may also question all the traditions and rituals laid by the society and can have conflicting views on topics like religion and spirituality . The person may also argue with his gurus and mentors and views the world very differently . This jupiter when in a positive state can give limitless results to the native and may sometimes give results much beyond its limit as it is retrograde , it is free from any kind of bondage and restrictions . 

Mars , when retrograde can give an impression to the person that he/she is very weak physically and lacks will power and courage to do things . Such people get scared of daring , risk taking activities and may have a low self esteem . When it comes to taking action , such people become extremely indecisive . They also need to put in a lot more effort and hardwork wherever this mars is placed , and this can also at times make them very lazy towards the houses mars rules and the house in which it sits in . They lack the fighting spirit and are usually not that competitive , they are chilled out and relaxed . However if mars is debilitated and retrograde , then it will behave like an exalted mars and you won't see the above mentioned traits in them . 

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