

# LORD : Venus 
# SYMBOL : Female reproductive organ
# ANIMAL SYMBOL : Elephant 
# DEITY :  Yama ( God of death ) 
# RANGE : 13° 20' - 26°40'  Aries 

Bharani nakshatra is the 2nd nakshatra out of the 27 nakshatras . It is ruled by Venus , the planet of art and beauty . The meaning of this nakshatra lies in bearing , nourishing , maintaining . Bharani literally means the " bearing star " . The energy or shakti of this constellation is apabharani shakti , which is the power to remove , cleanse impurities or the removal of waste . The energy associated with Bharani is ugra / fierce . This is a very strong , powerful nakshatra which will lead the individual to get transformed in some way or the other . This nakshatra is also connected with death and rebirth due to the ruling deity ( YAMA) , who has the power to take away things . Yama is the god of death and is strongly connected with the end of things .

People with prominent bharani nakshatra  have the following qualities : ( ascendant lord , moon , atmakarka in bharani ) 

* Confident        * Bold         * Courageous           * Ambitious           * Creative             * Witty     
               * High moral values     * Possess great self control   * Very good at finishing tasks 

* Self restrain   *  Very honest and willing to fight for justice   *     Have leadership qualities 

This nakshatra is strongly connected with female reproductive parts like the vagina , womb etc , so this can produce excellent gynecologists if the 10th lord is connected with it in the D1 & D10 chart . Other careers strongly connected with this nakshatra include Brain surgeons , surgeons , psychologists and psychiatrists , lawyers , counsellors , psychics , people working in graveyards and mortuary , construction workers etc . Such natives will be very good at completing tasks , projects .

If the 4th lord or moon is in this nakshatra , then your mother could be interested in gardening and herbs . Also you could feel as if she has a step motherly treatment towards you or you would often feel that there is a partiality or an unfair bias in favour of your siblings  by your mother or by people in your own homeland . You would often strongly feel that people are not playing fair and you would face injustice at many points . With the 4th lord/2nd lord   in this , you could also receive some inheritance from your family .

If the 3rd lord is in this nakshatra , then there is a love/hate relationship with the siblings , which could go either way .....there could be a feeling of hatred towards the brother or sister ,, or a feeling of extreme love . With the 3rd lord in this , your handwriting will be very big and prominent and you could have a loopy handwriting . Your speech may be very loud , harsh and powerful . You also write with a lot of thinking . 

If the 2nd lord is in this nakshatra , then you will have big prominent teeth and will have a large appetite . You will be very fond of your family and could also receive inheritance from them . The eyes will also be big and prominent specially if venus rules the 2nd house . You love to hoard luxurious things like jewelry , perfumes etc .

If the 5th lord  is in this nakshatra, then this makes the person very creative and artistic , they love to play with children and understand their psyche very easily . They are extremely patient and would desire to have a large family . They can be very good with painting and drawing .

If the 6th lord is in bharani , then these natives would be very just and fair . They will stand up for noble , social causes and can become good lawyers and social activists . They would also be very good at cleaning stuff and removing waste materials . 

The 7th lord in bharani shows that the spouse would have all these characteristics . Also marriage will transform the native .

If the  8th lord is in bharani , these people will be very good with reading minds of other people and will have a great sense of intuition . They can become good mystics , healers and psychologists . They may also have near death experiences and go through a lot of transformations in their life . They also love to explore mysteries and things connected with past life and reincarnations . Such people could also have strong sexual desires .

If the 9th lord is in bharani , then these people would be curious about things connected with religion and spirituality . They would feel that their teachers or gurus  were partial with them and would often feel that they often favored other students . 

If the 11th lord is in bharani , then such people would desire to have a big network circle of friends , they will have high  hopes and desires . 

The 12th lord in bharani can cause problems with the legs or feet . Such natives could also have very high sexual desires and high sexual energy , specially if malefic planets are involved .

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