

In vedic astrology , each zodiac sign is 30 degrees long  and each sign contains 3 nakshatras or constellations . The nakshatra  holds the qualities the planet will portray . Each nakshatra is ruled by a planet and has a diety attached to it . The nakshatra holds all the energy of the planet . Each nakshtra is roughly 13.2 degrees long & contains 4 parts or padas . The 1st pada is governed by mars , 2nd by Venus , 3rd by mercury and 4th by moon . Everyday the moon transits a particular nakshatra and in this way moon completes its transit in the 12 zodiac signs in about 28 days . The 28 days are further divided into the waxing ( Bright phase/ shukla paksha ) & waning ( Dark phase / Krishna paksha) , each phase lasts for 14 days .

# LORD : KETU ( The south node of the moon )
# SYMBOL : Horse's head
# DEITY : Ashwin kumars ( physicians to the Gods )
# RANGE : It extends from  0° - 13°20'  of aries 

Ashwini nakshatra is the 1st nakshatra in the zodiac belt , ruled by ketu . People with prominent ashwini are very 
* Agile * Quick * Youthful * Active * Adventurous * Thrill seeking * Action oriented * Love exercising 

The power of this nakshatra is to quickly reach things or to attain one's goals and objectives quickly . If a person has their 10th lord in ashwini , it can make the person very ambitious and they obsess over finishing things as quickly as possible . They are always in a rush and feel proud on completing things before the deadline . They may also walk very fast and their father would also have these qualities .

If a person has their 2nd lord in this , they may speak very fast and would always want to make a point , they will eat very fast and would value other people's time . Sun gets exalted in ashwini and makes the person very bold , courageous , ambitious and gives them a charming and attractive personality . They may love horses or would love riding them . Their father could be a twin or may have a lot of resemblance with his brother or anyone else in the family . 

Having 5th lord in ashwini may produce twins and the person is always desperate to be in a relationship . Having Venus  in this nakshatra also makes the person very racy and makes the person jump in one relationship from another in a haste . Having venus here also makes the person extremely materialistic and luxurious , they love to enhance their beauty and are always trying to look more youthful . 

Having mars in this can make the person very adventurous and they love speeding cars and may be gym /exercise freaks . Having the 3rd lord here also gives similar results . With the 3rd lord in this nakshtra , the person will be a commanding speaker and can be argumentative , they can be excellent at debating and in running or playing any kind of sport. They will also be very quick in typing and in doing things with their hands .

Having the 8th lord in ashwini can make the person very mystical and can give them psychic abilities . Having moon , ascendant , or 8th lord in ashwini can make them great at healing and they are very successful in understanding the psyche of the other person and also  they can be good mind/face readers . Having Jupiter in ashwini can make you excellent in coaching people in sports.

Having 6th lord in this can produce excellent doctors , healers , vets , ayurvedic and homeopathic doctors . Such people are very fast and quick in helping people . Having mercury in ashwini can make the person very quick in finding solutions and they are extremely calculative . With the 6th lord or any connection of ashwini with the 6th house , such people will strongly feel connected to healing and curing people and in providing service to other people . Such people will do excellent in the emergency unit .

Having the 4th lord or moon in this nakshtra can make the person either extremely attached or extremely detached with their mother/homeland . Their mother would love gardening or she may follow ayurvedic or homeopathic treatment . She will also love organic , natural things like herbs . Having 4th lord in ashwini , such people would love to drive fast and love to hoard luxurious vehicles , specially with the influence of venus .  Having moon here can also make the person extremely focused .

Having 11th or 12th lord in ashwini , such people would walk very fast . Having 12th lord in this can make a person extremely imaginative and they may have vivid dreams and can also have some psychic abilities .  Planets like Rahu , ketu or saturn if placed in this nakshatra in 8th , 1st or 12th house could also give psychic abilities  and can give them great intuitive skills . 

Having 7th lord in this nakshatra , the spouse will have all the above mentioned qualities and you yourself are always eager and excited to meet new people and to connect with them . Having 9th lord in this can make a person headstrong about their own beliefs , religion etc . They would love to travel . Even this placement can give rise to the fact that father might have a twin or very close resemblance with brother or any family member .

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