Many people in this world are doing jobs at which they may not be good at , but they are still doing it out of circumstances or their situation. Doing something which you don't like can be a difficult thing and that is why it is so important to know what you are actually good at . Finding your ideal career or profession can be a bit complicated but through astrology , you can get a hint as to what you are actually good at and in which direction you should go towards .
In vedic astrology , 10th house is the house of career and profession . 10th house deals with karma and our work or profession is also a kind of karma . To find out about your career , note the following points :
* 10th house lord
* 10th house sign
* Aspects on the 10th house
* Planets posited in the 10th house
* Conjunction of 10th lord with other planets
* Nakshatra of the 10th lord
After noting all this down , see the position of karakas of the 10th house ( SUN & SATURN) in the chart :
* The sign in which they are placed in
* The houses they occupy
* Aspects & Conjunctions
* Nakshatras in which they are placed in
Using the bhavat bhavam concept , the 7th house is 10th from the 10th house . If you count 10 places from the 10th house , you will reach the 7th house . The 7th house and 7th lord could also give you some hint about your career .
In jaimini astrology , there are various karakas for different things . Amatyakaraka is the planet holding the 2nd highest degree excluding rahu & ketu . The amatyakaraka is seen as a significator of your career . Note the placement of amatyakaraka in your chart :
* The house and sign it occupies
* The conjunction or aspects
* The nakshatra in which it is placed in
After seeing all this , then we will come to the main chart of career & profession , which is the D10 chart , which is based on the 10 equal divisions of a sign . In the D10 chart , the following things should be noted :
* The ascendant of the D10 chart , see if there are any planets sitting there
* The ascendant lord of the D10 chart , see where is it going
* Aspects on the ascendant
* 10th house of the D10 chart , 10th lord placement , aspects & conjunctions
* Karakas ( Sun & Saturn )
* Amatyakaraka position
* Nakshatra of the Ascendant lord and 10th house lord ( available in JNH software )
* After seeing all this , see the rest of the chart like any other normal chart
# After analyzing all these things , find the planets , signs , houses and nakshatras which are occurring again and again . These signs , houses , planets & nakshatras can give you an indication of your profession .
# Pay importance to combinations which are occurring in the D1 as well as the D10 chart . These combinations are important . For e.g. : If in D1 chart , your 10th lord is in the sign of taurus and in the D10 chart also , the 10th lord goes in the sign of taurus . This means there is a strong possibility that your career has to do something with this sign .
# See if a planet is vargotamma , meaning if a particular planet is in the same sign in the D1 as well as the D10 chart . This planet becomes very important for your career and can would help you in your career .
# See if a planet is becoming exalted / debilitated in the D10 chart .
# If you are a Taurus ascendant , look at Saturn as well as rahu as the 10th lord , because Rahu co rules the sign of Aquarius .
# If you are an aquarius ascendant then look at Mars as well as ketu as the 10th lord , because Ketu co rules the sign of scorpio .
Another way to find your career or profession is by the jaimini concept of karakamsha . It is very simple to find out your karakamsha lagna , you simply have to see in which sign is the atmakaraka planet ( holding the highest degree ) is placed in the navamsa chart and simply make that sign the ascendant of the D1 chart . For e.g. : suppose you are a gemini ascendant & venus is your atmakaraka , sitting in the 11th house in aries , now see the sign in which it is placed in D9 chart , suppose it is in the sign of libra , you will make libra the ascendant and now venus will come in your 7th house .
In the karakamsha chart , you will have to see the following things :
* Placement of amatyakaraka , see the house where it goes . ( The sign will obviously remain the same ) but the house will change .
* See if any planet is sitting 10th from the karakamsha lagna , if not see where the 10th lord is going .
* The 5th house of this chart will show the inner talents and skills , that would help you in your career
* The ascendant of the karakamsha lagna should also be seen .
Using the bhavat bhavam concept , the 7th house is 10th from the 10th house . If you count 10 places from the 10th house , you will reach the 7th house . The 7th house and 7th lord could also give you some hint about your career .
In jaimini astrology , there are various karakas for different things . Amatyakaraka is the planet holding the 2nd highest degree excluding rahu & ketu . The amatyakaraka is seen as a significator of your career . Note the placement of amatyakaraka in your chart :
* The house and sign it occupies
* The conjunction or aspects
* The nakshatra in which it is placed in
After seeing all this , then we will come to the main chart of career & profession , which is the D10 chart , which is based on the 10 equal divisions of a sign . In the D10 chart , the following things should be noted :
* The ascendant of the D10 chart , see if there are any planets sitting there
* The ascendant lord of the D10 chart , see where is it going
* Aspects on the ascendant
* 10th house of the D10 chart , 10th lord placement , aspects & conjunctions
* Karakas ( Sun & Saturn )
* Amatyakaraka position
* Nakshatra of the Ascendant lord and 10th house lord ( available in JNH software )
* After seeing all this , see the rest of the chart like any other normal chart
# After analyzing all these things , find the planets , signs , houses and nakshatras which are occurring again and again . These signs , houses , planets & nakshatras can give you an indication of your profession .
# Pay importance to combinations which are occurring in the D1 as well as the D10 chart . These combinations are important . For e.g. : If in D1 chart , your 10th lord is in the sign of taurus and in the D10 chart also , the 10th lord goes in the sign of taurus . This means there is a strong possibility that your career has to do something with this sign .
# See if a planet is vargotamma , meaning if a particular planet is in the same sign in the D1 as well as the D10 chart . This planet becomes very important for your career and can would help you in your career .
# See if a planet is becoming exalted / debilitated in the D10 chart .
# If you are a Taurus ascendant , look at Saturn as well as rahu as the 10th lord , because Rahu co rules the sign of Aquarius .
# If you are an aquarius ascendant then look at Mars as well as ketu as the 10th lord , because Ketu co rules the sign of scorpio .
Another way to find your career or profession is by the jaimini concept of karakamsha . It is very simple to find out your karakamsha lagna , you simply have to see in which sign is the atmakaraka planet ( holding the highest degree ) is placed in the navamsa chart and simply make that sign the ascendant of the D1 chart . For e.g. : suppose you are a gemini ascendant & venus is your atmakaraka , sitting in the 11th house in aries , now see the sign in which it is placed in D9 chart , suppose it is in the sign of libra , you will make libra the ascendant and now venus will come in your 7th house .
In the karakamsha chart , you will have to see the following things :
* Placement of amatyakaraka , see the house where it goes . ( The sign will obviously remain the same ) but the house will change .
* See if any planet is sitting 10th from the karakamsha lagna , if not see where the 10th lord is going .
* The 5th house of this chart will show the inner talents and skills , that would help you in your career
* The ascendant of the karakamsha lagna should also be seen .
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