


# RANGE : 10 degree to 23 degree 20′ Taurus 

Rohini is the 4th nakshatra of the zodiac belt , it has the mixed qualities of Venus and moon , because of which this nakshatra is extremely feminine . The deity of this nakshatra is prajapati or Brahama , the creator of the universe . The Shakti associated with this nakshatra is rohana Shakti , which is the energy to grow , to create . Hence , this nakshatra also represents fertility and the animal symbol associated with it is cow . Rohini was the favourite wife of the moon , and the moon used to spend more time with her , as compared to the other wives  Due to this , the other wives of the moon used to be jealous of rohini . Because of this , rohini nakshatra also naturally attracts jealousy .
People with prominent Rohini nakshatra in their chart ( having your ascendant Lord , Atmakaraka , or moon in this nakshatra ) will have the following qualities.

* Lustful.       * Seductive.     * Beautiful.      *Romantic.     *Creative.      *Pampered.     *Moody.     *Charming.     *Wealthy.    *Materialistic.      *Luxurious.     *Fortunate.    *Passionate.     *Soft spoken.   *Gentle.      *Caring.      *Protective.     *Emotional.     *Sweet speech.     *Jovial    *possessive.    * Jealous.   *Stubborn.  * Snobbish    *Sexual.      *Attractive eyes. * Obsession for pink and red colours 

Some of these qualities might differ from planet to planet , but most of the qualities will be the same .  Having 2nd Lord or Venus in this nakshatra would make the person very luxurious , materialistic and wealthy , specially if a dhan yoga is being formed with Venus . They would love to be in relationships and will be very sweet in their speech , they can even be excellent singers , dancers , artists , actors etc . They would also love sweets and chocolates . Having 2nd Lord is this would show that they will be very attached to their family. Venus in rohini can also attract jelaousy in sexual and romantic relationships , can make the person obsessed with their partner . Having 2nd lord in rohini can also show a person who would love to make their eyes look more attractive i.e. : using colored lenses etc .

Having 3rd Lord or Mars in this nakshatra would show that the person will be very passionate in general. 3rd Lord in this nakshatra also shows that they love travelling and exploring new cultures . If such people love the work they are doing , they will put in their 110% in that job  . Siblings can have the qualities of this nakshatra , with this placement. 3rd Lord in rohini can also show that the person has a beautiful handwriting and likes to express herself or himself creatively. They can be extremely talented and can make or do beautiful things with their hands .They will be very sweet in their communication . Mars in rohini nakshatra makes the person very stubborn .

Having 4th Lord in this nakshatra shows that the person will be extremely attached to his or her own Homeland and mother .The person will be fond of luxurious cars . They will constantly try to decorate their home , specially drawing room and will try to make it look more beautiful . This can also show that the person will be good at cooking and can even work in restaurants as a chef , specially if 10th house is making a connection with this combination. Having moon in this nakshatra can also show these qualities .

Having 10th Lord in rohini can show that the natives father would have the above mentioned qualities and the various professions suited for a Rohini native include , singers , dancers , actors , fashion designers , jewellery designers , agriculture related work , all work related to processing of goods , water transport related work , textile related work , gynecologist , relationships manager/advisor , finance & stocks , poets , real estate , interior decorators , tourism , cosmetic industry , hotel industry , dentists  .

Mercury in this nakshatra can make the person flirtatious and very active in romantic relationships . They will have sweet speech , may be poetic and would love to do creative activities like dancing or singing . They would love traveling and like to be the center of attention . They will also be very expressive in relationships and this also makes the person materialistic .

6th lord in this nakshatra can show a person who would love animals , specially cows . They will be extremely benevolent towards underprivileged people , and can be actively involved in providing service to people . This can also make the person very stubborn and rigid  and always would want to win an argument , specially if malefic planets are involved . 8th lord in this nakshatra can show that the person is very sexual and could have in laws with all the above mentioned qualities .

Sun in this nakshatra also makes the person creative , gives a radiant and magnetic personality to the person . Such people love to attract other people towards them and they can be excellent in performing arts . However this can make the person very stubborn and snobbish .

Rahu gets exalted in this nakshatra at around 20 degrees , because of the stability of this sign . Rahu in this nakshatra can make the person encounter foreign people and relationships with people from different cultures and ethnicity . This also makes the person extremely lustful and materialistic . Ketu in this nakshatra would behave quite differently , and it would be the opposite of rahu , Ketu in this could show detachment towards materialistic things and the person would not care much about wealth and money , they would believe in simplicity and looking towards inner beauty and not focussing on outer beauty . They would be more curious about the scorpio related things like astrology , research , mystical stuff . Also , such people could feel a sense of detachment in love and relationships in general , they would feel it to be waste of time and may also not believe in marriage .

Saturn in rohini nakshatra makes the person put in a lot of efforts towards perfecting their creative skills , they will be extremely hardworking in creative things . Also such people would naturally attract older and mature people , they would want to be in a relationship with a person who is either very mature or older to them in age . They will also be very patient in love and relationships in general .

# Rohini nakshatra has the theme of jealousy because the sign opposite to  taurus is scorpio ...which indicates jealousy and secrets . If this is connected to the 7th house or venus in some way , then  such people can experience jealousy , specially towards females . They would also be overpowering and possessive in relationships and marriage .

# All the above mentioned things have to seen with respect to planetary conjunctions and aspects , which would differ the results .

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