

Venus is the planet of love ,relationships , pleasure and anything that makes us happy . It represents wife in a man's chart and is the significator of marriage for both males and females .It is the planet of beauty , art , creativity , wealth etc.  It rules the sign of taurus , which is the natural 2nd house of wealth , possessions , family , speech , things that we value like jewellery , assests , inheritance etc . The other sign ruled by Venus is libra , which is the natural 7th house of relationships and marriage .  Mercury is the planet of intelligence , logic , communication , writing , publishing , mimicking , analytical skills etc . The other qualities associated with it are : being quick , cunning , smart , witty , active , inpatient and restless , being youthful and agile, being fickle minded and striving for perfection .
Whenever these two planets get conjunct in any person's chart , such individuals are very creative , Mercury enhances their creative energy and they shine bright in arts and creative things . This also makes a person very flirtatious and seductive , specially in signs like taurus , gemini , leo, libra , scorpio . Mercury also represents our speech and the way we talk , so this can also show a person who is very sweet and polite in his or her speech , specially in signs like taurus , gemini , libra .This conjunction also shows that you value communication in any relationship and it forms the basis of any commitment for you .This also shows that you will be very communicative with your spouse and you like people who are very open , broad minded , fun loving and humourous. You are very quick in making decisions related to love and relationships, you tend to be very inpatient in relationships , and you change relationships very quickly due to the fickle minded nature of Mercury .This conjunction can also make a person extremely versatile and talented , you can also learn many languages simultaneously and would love to interact with people from different cultures , specially if Rahu is also aspecting this conjunction. It is very important for you that your spouse or partner should have a good friendship with you , before anything else . You would love luxurious and materialistic items , would love food , fine dining , specially if this happens in your ascendant , 2nd , 5th , 7th , 9th ,10th or 11th house . Depending on the sign and house in which this conjunction is happening , things would differ .


If this conjunction is happening in fiery signs like aries , Leo or saggitarius . In aries , this can show that you will be very blunt and harsh in your speech and communication style , you would enter relationships very quickly and then would break up also very quickly , this gives an indecisiveness in relationships . You would change partners very quickly . This can also make a person very dominating and demanding in relationships and marriage. This also makes a person endowed with creative energy , they could also be health conscious and would do things to make their bodies look more attractive and youthful .They always desire to be the center of attention and could also be very forceful .In Leo again , the person is extremely creative and artistic .They would demand attention from other people , would love to flaunt their possessions , would love to hoard things and can make the person a spendthrift They would often spend their money on all things to make them look more beautiful and attractive .They could also be interested in spirituality and yoga , if this happens in magha. In Sagittarius, they would be very broad minded people and would love to travel and explore the world, would do things that will help them expand their horizon . They will be very righteous and have clear beliefs of what is right and what is wrong in their mind . They love to preach other people and give advises to other people . They can also become good counselors.


If this conjunction happens in watery signs like cancer , Scorpio or Pisces.   In cancer , it can show someone who would experience a lot of emotions in relationships and marriage .For them it is very important to be with someone , whom they love . For them , relationships are all about feeling the love and romance . They can make extremely loyal partners if they truly love you . They will make sure that they treat you the best . They also feel this void in their life , which can only be satisfied if someone loves them unconditionally and pampers  them like a child . In scorpio , it can show someone who is extremely deep , when it comes to expressing love , this can make a person very obsessed and possessive in love and relationships. If they love someone deeply , they will make sure that they do every possible thing to get them .They can also make extremely loyal partners if they truly love you and if they feel that you are reciprocating that love in the same way .This does make a person very sexual and seductive . They can also experience feelings of jealousy in love .They can also be flirtatious in their style of communication .They will often communicate about deep , mystical and fascinating things .Sex makes them excited and they feel that with the help of sex , they can understand the other person in a more better way .In pisces , Venus will get exalted and mercury will get debilitated . This can show someone who is very imaginative and they can experience vivid and lucid dreams . They would love to sleep and relax . They feel it's very important to experience the natural and simple things in life . They can be extremely good at poetry and writing . They would often communicate about higher level stuff which makes them very mature in their communication . They feel its truly important to experience love in a divine way , and their idea of love involves peace and transcendence.


If this conjunction happens in earthy signs like taurus , virgo and capricorn . In taurus , such people would be extremely creative and artistic . They would love to indulge in singing , dancing or acting etc . They will also be very materialistic and fashionable. They will be very sweet and polite in their  communication . For them , it is very important to have a good communication with their partner and they would also love to experiment with different styles in terms of clothing and stuff . In virgo , it can show someone who is very practical in relationships and love . They will try to be very calculative in relationships and can also be manipulative in relationships.  They can also critisize their partner a lot and would always look for the faults first before looking at anything else . They like to have a proper commitment in their love,  for them it is very important for the other person to reciprocate in the way same that they do . In capricorn , such people will look at love and relationships as a responsibility , that they have to do and they will give in their best . They will be very hard-working in relationships and will make efforts to sustain the relationship . They can also be very good at creative arts .For them also , it is very important to have a solid base in relationships and marriage . They would also deal with love in a very mature way and will somewhere expect a person who is also mature in their way of talking and communication.


In gemini , this shows that the person will be extremely communicative in general as well as with their partner. They will love talking and writing. They will be very expressive in their communication and will be very creative .They will only love to enjoy the fun side of life and would often run away from responsibilities .They can also be very good with mimicking other people . In libra , the person will be extremely creative and would be interested in singing , dancing etc . They can also be good at playing musical instruments like guitar , piano , sitar etc . They would crave for Independence and freedom in relationships . They don't like to told what to do , what not to do.  Such people would do things according to their choice and don't like to be controlled by other people .They will be very good with managing relationships and handling issues related to love . In aquarius , the native will have a unique and eccentric way of expressing love and they will be very analytical in matters of love . They will think a lot before saying anything to their partner , and tend to use a lot of mental energy in thinking what should they do next or how should they behave . Sometimes it can become very hard for them to express their love to the other person.  Due to this , they seem to be a bit weird to other people .They would often have this feeling , that they have to sacrifice something to make their relationships work . They could also have some different and unconventional viewpoints on marriage and love .

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