

# LORD : Mars 

# SYMBOL:  Deer's head 
# DEITY : Moon ( Soma) 
# RANGE : 23°20' Taurus -6°40' Gemini 

Mrigashira nakshatra is the 5th nakshatra of the zodiac belt . It lies in the sign of taurus and gemini , so this nakshatra has the  mixed qualities of both the signs . The ruling deity of this nakshatra is the moon or  soma . Soma is another name of the moon and also it represents the immortal celestial nectar , which is consumed by all the divine Gods . Moon has a very strong connection with this nakshatra and this can be seen in the qualities that these natives posess. A lot of these qualities can be easily observed by studying a deer , i.e.: Natives with prominent mrigashira ( ascendant , moon , 1st lord in mrigashira ) would have a very strong sense of smell , they would love open scenic surroundings , they would love travelling and running in open areas . They would have large expressive eyes and prominent eyebrows . They would have a lean body and would eat less . They will be very good at searching things and have a great sense of intuitiveness . Their whole life would revolve around " searching " , they love to dive deep in all spheres of life . They will have this constant urge of curiosity to know themselves better , to understand their life . Travelling often helps them to clear out their mind and it makes them relaxed . As the ruling deity of this nakshatra is moon , it shows that they are at times very restless , fickle  minded and lost . Being alone can make  them  timid and shy , however if they are surrounded by their own  kind of people , they would come out as extremely jovial and fun loving people . They would also be very quick in doing things and have good analytical and logical skills ( more prominent in the gemini side) . Overall they are very pleasant and calm , however malefic afflictions to this nakshatra  can make these people obsessed about their desires and wishes , and they can goto  any extent for fulfilling them .

If the 2nd lord goes in this nakshatra , then this shows that they would be strongly connected to their family and family values . They would  have a collectivist approach and would prefer living in joint families . This can also make them 
overly indulgent in rich foods and they would love trying out different types of cuisines . They would also love all milk products . They would be very sweet and gentle in their way of communicating . Venus in this nakshatra can make a person materialistic and they would have a natural love for perfumes .  3rd/9th lord in this nakshatra can make the person travel a lot and they would have deep desire to understand life , would love exploring and experiencing new hobbies and cultures . Association with the 3rd house can also make them cultivate an artistic/ creative hobby like singing , dancing , poetry , writing , jewelry designing , modelling etc . 10th/11th/12th lord in this can make them walk very swiftly and they would love running/jogging . 

Also these natives are very much aware of what is happening around them , they are always on the lookout . This can make them extremely cautious and gives them a unique ability to sense danger very quickly . If 5th lord or venus is in this nakshatra , it can even make them very suspicious of their partner , which may lead to fights . Their partners would often get this feeling that they do not give them enough attention and always seem to be distracted . If 5th/7th lords are afflicted with this nakshatra , then it may also give a tendency to go out with multiple partners as they have the innate moon like qualities and moon is very sensual and seductive in nature , which may give rise to extra marital affairs . This nakshatra is also connected to land and real estate due to the lord mars . Any association of this nakshatra with 4th house or 4th lord could also give some land related problems , if malefic aspects or conjunctions are involved . Association of this nakshatra with 6th house or 6th lord could also give rise to land disputes .

Also mrigashira natives are very good with directions and using navigation , they would also be very good at reading maps , provided this nakshatra is unafflicted by malefic like mars , saturn , rahu and ketu .The sexual animal associated with this nakshatra is the serpent , which makes them extremely sexual . 8th lord or 12th lord in this nakshatra also makes them sexual . Any connection of this nakshtra with the 8th and 12th house would also make them extremely curious about occult , astrology , life after death , aliens etc and also makes them extremely good at investigating and researching . 

The careers associated with this nakshatra include all creative and artistic professions , poetry , writing , real estate , travellers , scientists , researchers , astrologers , models , fashion designers , actors , singers , dancers , landscape artists , salespersons , advertising , directors , interior home decorators , professions dealing with animals , nursery teachers etc . They love and appreciate beauty and for them experiences play a very important role in their life . Experiences help them understand their life in a different way . They also have a habit of asking too many questions and can be a bit nosy  due to  their curious nature . They would be more attached to their mother because of  the strong connection of moon with this nakshatra . Also they would love gardening and would have a natural interest and love for botanical herbal things .

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