

Venus and sun conjunction is quite a common conjunction to have in your chart . Venus is the planet of love , creativity , arts , romance and all pleasurable activities . Sun is the planet which represents our ego , self esteem , father , authority and royalty etc . When Venus and sun come together in your natal chart , it shows that the person would be highly creative . The person would be very expressive and confident in all creative pursuits . Sun is the brightest planet in the sky and it adds energy and enthusiasm in the house which it occupies in your chart. Sun also represents our ego , so if this conjunction is quite close in your chart , it can show someone who can become dominant in relationships and their ego can lead to conflicts in relationships . ( If the conjunction is within 3 degrees ) .This can also show that the person would be naturally attracted towards women who are outspoken , confident and expressive . If sun comes very close to Venus , then it can destroy the positive qualities of Venus and it can make a person feel dissatisfied with relationships , love and marriage . Men who have this conjunction in their chart , can be attracted towards women who are confident , authoritative and have a charismatic personality . They would like honey coloured and brown coloured eyes . If sun and Venus are not that close to each other , then it would enhance the positive qualities of Venus and would add extra energy and vigour to the houses Venus controls in your chart and in the house this conjunction is taking place . Such individuals would also love to eat honey . Venus naturally rules the 2nd house , so they can also have weak eyesight . Depending on in  which sign this conjunction is occurring , the nature of the results would differ .

If this conjunction happens in fiery signs like aries , Leo and saggitarius , it shows that the person would put in a lot of energy in all Venus related activities , such as all creative pursuits . They would be very confident in expressing themselves . Sun would be exalted in the sign of aries and this can show that the person could be very dominant in relationships and marriage , they could be extremely controlling and egoistic , specially if this occurs in the 1st , 5th or 7th house . In Leo , it can show someone who would love luxurious things and they would also like to flaunt their possessions. They would also be very sensual and flirtatious in relationships . In saggitarius , they could be inclined towards spirituality , specially if this occurs in Mula nakshatra . They would be good at advising and counseling other people , specially if this occurs in the 3rd , 4th , 7th or 9th house . In watery signs like cancer , Scorpio and Pisces , this can show someone who deal with a lot of emotional stuff in their relationships . In cancer , it can show that the person craves for emotional security in a relationship , they just want to loves and nurtured . In Scorpio, it can show that the individual deals with karmic relationships and they indulge in relationships to understand their soul in a much deeper way . In pisces , it can show someone who views love as a form of devotion and would desire a spouse who is knowledgable , spiritual and understands love in its purest form . They would often find it difficult to find someone who truly understands them and matches up-to their level. In air signs like gemini , libra and aquarius , it shows someone who desires freedom and independence in relationships and marriage . In gemini , it can show someone who would be highly skilled and creative . They would have good communication skills and for them relationships are all about communication and wanting to express themselves perfectly . In libra , it can show someone who loves indulging in romance and relationships , they could be very good at dancing and with playing musical instruments . They would often feel that their ego and self esteem hurts when they are in a relationship with someone , specially when they are young .In aquarius , they would love to do something for the society and might work with non-profit organizations . They would have an unusual and eccentric way of expressing their love . In earthy signs like taurus , virgo and capricorn , it would show that the person would always desire stability and commitment in relationships .In taurus , it can show someone who indulges  in relationships to feel secure and stable in life . They would value relationships and would love to indulge in all sorts of pleasurable activities. In virgo , it can show someone who would be very hardworking in relationships , they would think very logically , critically and practically about love and romance . They would be actively involved in keeping themselves fit and youthful . In capricorn , the person would have a very structured thinking about relationships . They would believe in commitment and would be disciplined and organized in matters of love .

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