

In order to see which career or profession suits you the best , it is important to take a holistic approach and see all the positions and combinations in your birth chart . Determining the right profession can be tricky , but it can be made simple and easy by following a step by step approach . I have already covered the methods to find out the ways in which you an find your ideal profession . This article would take about the professions that are represented by each planet and to find out which planet dominates the chart in terms of your career .  In order to find that one planet which dominantly influences your career , you need to first look at the planet ruling the 10th house in your chart , then you need to see if any planet occupies the 10th house .

Then see the planet which gets conjunct the 10th lord and the planets which aspect the 10th house . After this , you need to note down your amatyakaraka , which is the planet which holds the second highest degree in your chart except rahu and ketu. Then after noting down these planets , look at the D10 chart . In this chart , you need to look at the planet which occupies the ascendant , the 10th house or the 7th house .  If you don't have any planets in these houses , then look at the planet which rules the ascendant . Then see the planet or planets which aspect the ascendant or the 10th house . Then look at the planets which get conjunct with the ascendant lord or the 10th house lord . 
After noting down all these planets , you will  see one or two planets dominating your career . Note down that one planet or planets which are getting repeated in various ways in the D1 as well as the D10 . That one planet or planets will majorly influence the quality and kind of work that you would be doing . You would be using the skills which those planets represent in your everyday professional life . Each planet represents different kinds of professions and each profession requires a different set of skills and qualities . 


Sun rules over all professions related to the government , authority , politics etc . It is also the karaka of the 10th house and represents father , so it could also show the same profession that your father had . It also represents leadership positions and royalty . It also represents allopathic medicine and can represent a medical profession as a doctor . It represents all government employees , politicians , CEOs of a company or any high ranked job . Sun can also  represent spiritual leaders and gurus .


Moon in astrology represents your mother and involves all professions related to caring and nourishing , dealing with small infants , working in the neo natal section , working in the dairy industry , all marine jobs like sailor , marine engineering , working with liquids and chemicals  . Moon also represents import export jobs , homeopathy , jobs related to travelling overseas , psychologist and child counsellors , chefs and restaurant owners , nursing .


Mars represents all jobs related to fire , like working in the fire department , police , army , soldier . It represents vigorous energy consuming jobs like that of an athlete or involved in sports , gym trainer , all jobs related to construction , civil engineering , use of weapons , military combats , rescue workers , jobs which require mechanical skills like a car mechanic , mechanical engineer etc . It represents boxers and martial artists . It also rules over security services, guarding  and defense related jobs , like working on the borders , security guard , investigative jobs etc . It represents surgeons scientists  and dentists . It represents all technical jobs requiring skills .


Mercury rules logical reasoning and analytical skills . It represents all professions related to problem solving , decision making and using communication . It represents the advertising ,  sales ,media and marketing industry . It represents accountants , mathematicians , banking jobs , telecommunication related jobs . It also represents all jobs like publishing , copywriting , writing , selling , journalism , performing and expressing , mimicry , teaching , clerical jobs , computer and technology related jobs like multimedia and web designing , technical skills and business skills , transport and logistics , editors , authors , merchandising , teaching , intellectual jobs , commerce and trade , computer programmers , hacking , cloning or duplicating , coding , health and healing , massage therapists and physiotherapists , neurologists and neurosurgeons , sculptors , dietician, critics , diplomats , lawyers , all consultancy services , professions involving clients , radio jockeys , MBA and management related jobs , speech therapists .


Venus rules over the fashion and film industry , it represents actors , jewelry designers , photographers , interior decorators , singers , dancers , models , architects , computer animation , hotel management , choreographers , painters , makeup professionals , stylists , hotels and luxurious professions , it also rules over spas , perfumes . All professions like working in textile and fabric industry , throat specialists , cosmetologist , graphic designers , cartoonist , air hostess ,plastic surgeons , musicians ,  art therapists , drummers , fine arts , calligraphers , relationship managers , marriage counsellors , travel and tourism industry , air hostesses , youtubers , cinema artists, all professions involving females .


Saturn rules over professions which require technical skills like engineering , plumbing . It represents lawyers , real estate , agriculture , construction related jobs , mining , labour oriented jobs , petrol pumps , working in the oil industry , builders , metallurgy , geology , researchers , contractor, diplomats , senior officials , mortuary and graveyard jobs , garbage cleaners and sweepers , senior advisers , working in factories , archaeologists and historians , paleontology. Saturn represents all professions related to death and old age , which would include working in old age homes or working with widows . 


Jupiter represents educational jobs like teaching , counseling and advising . It can also represent finance , banking and law . Jupiter also represents biology , so doctors can also be seen . Jupiter can also represent a priest , a professor or an administrator . Jupiter represents  philosophy and psychology and all professions related to them . It also governs temples , banks and colleges .


Rahu rules over all professions related to technology like web developers , computer animation . It can also represent aeroneatical engineering , pilots , astronauts . Rahu can denote a wide range of careers like acting , researching . It can represent a psychiatrist , a psychologist , a microbiologist , a biotechnologist , pharmaceutical jobs , radiologist , X -Ray technicians , working in rehabilitation centers , mental asylums , jails . It also represents computer engineering , electronics and communications engineering , film directing . It can also show someone who is a detective or a magician . 


Ketu represents professions like engineering , healing , xenology , metaphysics . It can show someone who is into occult and mysticism or is a psychic . Ketu can also represent electrical engineering and all technology related jobs like engineering , but more specifically genetic engineering . It can show all professions related to dogs. Ketu strongly represents spirituality and yoga , so it can show someone who is a yoga teacher .

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