

: Rahu

SYMBOL: Teardrop , diamond , a human head
DEITY: Rudra ( The God of the storms)
RANGE :6° 40' - 20° Gemini 

Ardra nakshatra is the 6th nakshatra of the zodiac belt and lies entirely in the sign of gemini . The ruling deity of this nakshatra is rudra , which is a fierce form of lord shiva . This nakshatra is strongly connected  with Lord shiva and hence it has the power to manifest itself into a violent form . Ardra nakshatra is ruled by Rahu and due to its association with rudra , it is connected with thunderstorms and wild animals . This nakshatra is closely linked with wild animals because rudra desired to be the lord of animals and the animal symbol associated with this constellation is also a dog . 
People who have prominent planets ( moon , 1st house lord , atmakaraka ) placed in this nakshatra or who have their ascendant in this constellation can have a strong attachment with animals and would do whatever it takes to serve them .The shakti that is associated with this constellation is called YATNA shakti , which means the power to make profits in life through one's own self efforts . Natives with prominent ardra nakshatra influence are very good at influencing people through their communication style . They are very impulsive and have a tendency to take extreme decisions . If moon is placed in this constellation , then they can be very good at selling things , in doing business and can have good communication skills . They are very good at expressing themselves and have good memorizing ability . They can be extremely calculative and manipulative . Such natives also get transformed through their life experiences and they form their own ideologies and beliefs based on those experiences . They would be very curious about everything in life and would often be interested in knowing more about mystical things and things which people don't normally talk about . 

The symbol of this nakshatra is a teardrop , which shows that they can have a lot of emotional baggage and can be emotionally violent if malefic planets influence this nakshatra . This also shows that in general they can be very emotional and their emotions can at times influence their decisions . They can also be very stubborn and short tempered . If the 3rd lord or mars occupies this nakshatra , then it can show a person could have a lot of desires to achieve great things in his/her life and they would be very persistent and determined to achieve their goals through their own self efforts . If the 10th lord or amatyakaraka occupies this nakshatra then it can show that a person can go in fields related to sales and marketing , advertising ,  media , writing , engineering , photography , neuroscience , technicians , pharmaceutical industry etc . Venus in this nakshatra can show that love and relationships transforms the native's life . Marriage and relationships make the native think more deeply about their life and using their intellect they add a new meaning to their life by experiencing love . This can also show that there could be a lot of emotional baggage associated with relationships , which is difficult to forget . Mercury in this nakshatra can make the person very intellectual and ca give good analytical reasoning abilities . It also shows that they can be great at solving problems and would have an impressive way of influencing people . They can also be good at doing magic tricks and can be very sarcastic at times . Jupiter in ardra nakshatra can show someone who can use his/her knowledge to transform the lives of other people . It also shows that the person would think a lot and introspect all the things he/she has been taught throughout their lives . They have the power to use their intellect and knowledge to impact other people's lives . 6th lord in this nakshatra would show a deep passionate love for animals , specially dogs and such people would care a lot for animals , provided benefic planets like venus and jupiter influence this combination . Sun in this nakshatra can show that internally the person desires to purify himself through all the sacrifices and hardships the person had to face . They become more resilient with time and their soul desires purification . 

Another symbol that is associated with this nakshatra is that of a diamond , which shows that just like how a diamond is formed after going through all the pressure and how it takes so long for carbon to turn into diamond , in the same way such natives shine bright after going through all the experiences in their life and they are extremely resilient. They don't give up easily and are very persistent at achieving their goals . Another symbol associated with this constellation is the human head , which shows that such natives are always thinking , their mind is always curious and involved into something or the other , they are very spontaneous and unpredictable . It is very difficult to understand them completely and sometimes they can also become emotionally destructive . Such natives also feel that they had to sacrifice a lot in their lives to make other people happy . The best way to understand this nakshatra is to practice deep mediation and to keep the mind calm . It is very important for them to keep their mind productive in something or the other . Engaging in mentally stimulating activities can make them more balanced and stable . 

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