Ketu is the south node of moon in vedic astrology. It is the planet of moksha,detachment and being spiritual in life. It is the most misunderstood planet in astrology and most people are not able to understand the true essence of this planet and what it is trying to teach us. It is often quite difficult to connect with the energy of this planet due to the constant deception and confusion it brings in our mind. Ketu operates itself on a very unconscious level and very deep concentration is needed to fully comprehend its nature. It is difficult to identify its presence and it often tends to get ignored, but behind every new beginning and deep inside every new foundation, you can sense its ambiguous presence. In every horoscope, ketu operates differently but in all charts it shows a past life connection with the house which it occupies. Ketu is everything which has happened in our past, it represents all the  mistakes which we make in our life. As it is a headless shadow planet, it does not have eyes to see and visualize the world but has immense power conserved in other senses to fully comprehend the world, hence it also makes an individual intuitive. After making mistakes in life, a person does become wiser and those mistakes then become the past.To understand ketu we need to introspect within ourselves and trace our roots. 

Ketu also has a very strong splitting energy, due to which it also represents cuts,cracks or fractures.In whichever house ketu sits, it does split some signification of that house. eg: Ketu in 4th house could give some family split due to which the person could have two homes, ketu in 10th house could give two jobs to the native and ketu in 2nd house could give broken or crooked teeth to the native.It also represents the roots or the foundation of anything. Since mula nakshatra is also ruled by the same planet, it represents roots.

This planet is all about the inner soul connection which helps to understand and know where do we actually belong. This planet also brings a lot of past life knowledge ( 5th house connection of ketu in D1/D9), hidden talents and skills (3rd/12th house connection of ketu in D1/D9). In whichever house ketu is placed in your chart, you are naturally very wise and experienced in that area or you have a very strong feeling that you have already known that thing before. Ketu in 3rd house can make the person naturally have the skills of driving and a 6th house ketu can naturally make the person a healer. However due the confusing nature of this planet, the person would also end up committing errors in that area or the person can become blinded by those things. A 7th house ketu could either make the person not interested in marriage or the person would constantly jump into wrong relationships and may even get blinded in love. ( Also possible with venus ketu combination). A strong ketu dominated person would be totally detached from materialistic pleasures, would be spiritual, casual, intuitive and would love meditation and isolation. The only way to connect with this planet is to isolate oneself and to go into deep meditation. The only desire of this planet is to self-introspect and it often forces the person to not find external happiness but to find peace with solitude.

In the 1st house, ketu often makes the native confused about his/her life and the person could be critical of themselves as a result of making multiple mistakes in life. Ketu wants the native to become calm and look within.If the individual practices meditation, the person can become highly intuitive and spiritual. In the 2nd house, the native does not care for wealth and food. It could separate the native from his/her family or could give some split in the family. In the 3rd house it could give the native a natural ability to learn multiple languages and the person might stammer or may speak with pauses. 8th house ketu can make the person an excellent psychic or spritual guru. It can also give hidden wealth to the native. In the 9th house, the native's father would be spiritual or religious. The native could have a very strong connection with their father or guru. The native could believe in or could have two faiths/religions. The native could also share a special connection with lord Ganesha.9th house and 5th house  ketu could also give breaks in a person's education. 10th house ketu could give a spiritual boss to the native and could show some split in the paternal side of family. Ketu in 11th house could show that the person would often detach themselves when they would be a part of any gathering or socializing event. The person could also hide their source of earning money. Ketu in the 12th house is considered the best placement for this planet as it is the natural house of isolation, enlightenment and moksha. It makes the native spiritual,wise and in touch with their inner consciousness. Ketu in 12th house could give a broken bed or broken shoes to the native.

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