

: Mercury

SYMBOL: Coiled Serpent
DEITY: The Nagas 
RANGE: 16°40' - 30° Cancer 

 Ashlesha nakshatra is the 9th nakshatra of the zodiac belt and it lies entirely in the sign of cancer. The ruling deity of this nakshatra is the nagas or the divine serpent beings. This is a very mystical and hypnotic constellation due to the charming snake like qualities carried by this nakshatra. The symbol associated with this nakshatra is that of a coiled serpent and hence this constellation is also known as the ''Clinging Star". It carries a perfect blend of the qualities of moon and mercury. As both of these planets represent the use of mind , this nakshatra produces very clever and smart individuals who know how to get whatever they want in their life. Such natives are blessed with an extraordinary intellectual mind and they tend to outshine other people wherever they go. As this nakshatra falls entirely in the cancer sign, these individuals also possess a strong desire to be nurtured. They do not reveal their feelings very openly and take time to develop trust in someone. People who have their moon , ascendant or atmakaraka planet in this constellation would possess a lot of attributes associated with this constellation. 

Ashlesha natives are also highly intuitive and they can easily sense if something is not right. They would also have a very good facial recognition memory and would be good with numbers and words. They would also have a very youthful looking face and body. Being witty and having a good sense of humour are also some of the qualities of this nakshatra. However they are often misunderstood by their friends and close relatives. These individuals are also very flexible and would adapt and change very easily. It is often very difficult to win arguments with ashlesha natives and hence they can be very good with law or business.2nd lord or venus is associated with ashlesha, it can give very hypnotic and mesmerizing eyes to the native. The native might also be fond of contact lenses and different coloured lenses. For a female native, she would love to use eye-makeup to make the eyes look more prominent. If 3rd lord is in ashlesha, the native would be very good with writing and speaking and would make one's presence noted by the manner and style of his/her communication. Having the 4th lord in this can make the native quite attached to his/her mother and homeland. 5th lord in ashlesha can make the native  good with speculative business and lottery. Having the 5th or 7th lord in ashlesha can also make the native very manipulative in relationships. 6th lord in ashlesha can make the native a natural counsellor and healer. It can also show that the native might love snakes or would love keeping snakes. Having the 8th lord in this can make the native a psychic and can enhance the intuitive qualities of the person. Having saturn, rahu or 8th lord in ashlesha can also give a phobia of snakes to the individual. 9th lord/ 10th lord  or jupiter in this constellation can make the native extremely knowledgeable about chemical substances, drugs or it can also make the person go in fields related to psychiatry, psychology or medicine.  11th lord in this constellation can make the person very calculative and manipulative with his/her social circle and the person would try to seek attention of people in social events. 12th lord in this nakshatra can make the person go into illegal trading of things or gambling, if the 12th lord or house is associated with malefics. If it is associated with benefics, then it can make the person very spiritual and intuitive.

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