

Venus is the planet which represents beauty, art , entertainment , females ,music , dance , wealth, luxury etc in vedic astrology. It is a creative planet and carries a watery energy. Being a soft and gentle planet, it gets influenced by other planets very easily. Shukravaar or Friday is ruled by venus and it is also known as the morning star. Venus also represents your happiness and comforts that you receive in this life. The sign of aries is the first sign of the zodiac belt.

Is is the sign in which sun is exalted at 10 degrees. It is the first fire sign and hence carries a lot of energy. When venus is in this sign, it shows that all the things related to venus now carry the impulsive energy of mars. The sign of aries also represents any kind of initiation and has the energy to start anything new. This shows that such individuals enter into relationships very impulsively and also come out of relationships very quickly. In this energetic sign, venus gets the drive to act more creative and expresses itself creatively. The energy to create something is very high and dominates the person's mind. Since this sign also represents the head and the sign of aries is the natural 1st house, so it gives a very beautiful appearance to the native.  

This also shows that the native would have attractive eyes and would love to experiment with new thing in all matters of venus, be it trying out a new fashion trend or experimenting with new styles. Since the sign of aries is a movable sign, it shows that the native would love to travel and would love exploring new places. It also shows that the native would get bored of all the things related to venus very quickly and would constantly crave for new things , hence it increases the need to experiment with new things. The native would often enter into relationships and marriage proposals would happen very spontaneously and in an unplanned manner. Since this sign is ruled by mars, it shows that in matters related to relationships and marriage, the native would love to dominate their partner. Since venus represents wife in a man's chart, it shows that the native's wife would be into fitness and would like to take care of their health and external physical looks would matter a lot to them.

It is also important to note the position of mars in the chart. Depending upon the position of mars, it would show how much strength venus has in the chart. If mars is placed in kendra houses (1st,4th,7th and 10th) houses or Trikona houses ( 1st,5th,9th houses) and if it is well placed in friendly signs, then it would give strength to venus and would enhance the effects of this venus in a positive manner. The sign of aries also represents adventures and any activity which requires speed. This shows that the native would love to play sports or would love to take up any adventurous activity like hiking, trekking or playing dart.  If venus is in the nakhatra of ashwini, then it can show that the native would to play polo or would love horses and luxurious cars. The native would also love to drive really fast and would love speed. It also shows that the native could love herbs and would prefer organic products. Venus in ashwini also gives a healing touch to the native and such a person can also use his/her love to heal people. It also shows that the native would often enter relationships without thinking and then after a certain period of time, they would start feeling a sense of detachment in love and relationships. It can also show great love for dogs and the person would love to worship lord Ganesha, specially if venus has any connection with the 9th house or 5th house.

Venus in bharani would behave totally different than in ashwini. It can show  love for elephants and can make someone a gynecologist or a psychologist, specially if the 6th or 8th house is connected with venus. It can also show the native would have a tendency to go at extremes in relationships and shows that love would be very intense and deep for such a native. It also shows that the native would feel a sense of duty and responsibility in love and relationships. If venus is in kritika nakshatra, then it can show that the native would be very competitive and ambitious in relationships and love. The native would also behave in a very blunt manner in love and it can show that the native would love to nurture and adopt things. It also shows that the native would love bright things and would radiate a lot of attractive energy.  It also shows that the native would have really beautiful eyes.

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