

Venus, the planet that bestows us with wealth and happiness gets exalted at 27 degrees in the zodiac sign of Pisces. But have we ever wondered, why it gets exalted in this Jupiter ruled sign. If we look at the qualities and traits of the planet Venus, it is quite opposite to its exaltation sign, still Venus is the most happiest in this sign.

The sign of Pisces carries the  original 12th house energy, which represents isolation, moksha, detachment, exit from this world, spirituality, yoga, peace, giving up/giving away something, non-materialism, dreams etc. We keep saying that Venus represents materialism, luxury, relationships, attachment, then why does it get exalted in Venus, that too towards the end of this sign.

It seems like most people are so obsessed with wealth and are so materialistic, that they don't realize the underlying soul of the planet, Venus and the life lesson it is trying to teach all of us. We have polluted this planet by overusing all its qualities and we are losing the purity of this planet. Most of us would also be totally unaware of the fact, that Venus is also a teacher, a guru, just like the planet Jupiter. 

The essence of the lesson Venus is trying to teach all of us is that pure joy and happiness can also be achieved by giving away something. When we become too materialistic, we become obsessed with capturing all the Venusian elements in our life. Venus feels the happiest by giving up materialistic pursuits and  by not hoarding these elements. Venus wants us to experience all these elements (Love, wealth, luxury etc.) but eventually wants us to give it away as Venus does not like to capture these elements. When we try to capture something, when we try to dominate and do not believe in giving away, we are naturally mixing Venus and Mars.

True happiness can only be derived from non-materialistic things, like knowledge, music, happiness that one gets from rain or while spending time with nature, things which are priceless and cannot be brought with money. This is the soul lesson, Venus is trying to teach us.

We experience love, get married only to experience moksha one day. This is the reason why the signs of Libra (Relationship) and Scorpio (Sex) come before the sign of Pisces. Every zodiac sign is the stage that we need to cross in our lifetime. Every sign contains an important lesson. Only after crossing all these signs, we finally reach the sign of Pisces, which can be described as Heaven, where there is only peace and your soul is finally liberated. Hence, this is the most wisest and most peace-loving, patient  sign because after experiencing all phases of life, one truly becomes patient, calm and wise.

Venus only wants peace and wishes to spread happiness in the lives of other people. When a caged bird is finally freed in the open sky, that is the feeling of Venus in Pisces. Everyone wishes for freedom and peace, because that's the ultimate desire of every soul. In this sign, we are alone and don't have anyone with us. This is the last sign and hence every soul has to cover this phase alone. Here lies another important lesson associated with this planet. True happiness only lies within us and cannot be found in our partner. Many people confuse love with lust, the moment your love relationship starts turning into lust, it shows a material attachment, which now has an element of Mars. When you truly share the Venus in Pisces love, your love for your partner is unconditional and is non-lustful. This is pure Venus, when you love your partner deeply, and are not bound by any conditions. Pisces is the sign of freedom, where there are no restrictions or conditions. Most people on this earth are only stuck on the material level of Venus, only a few souls understand this deep lesson and are able to reach the Pisces level of Venus. 

Venus also represents creativity, which can only be expressed in a free flowing manner, just like this water sign of Pisces. You cannot time creativity, it will flow when it has to flow. This is the reason why Venus in Pisces makes excellent poets and artists. To be creative, one cannot be logical and rational. True creativity is often abstract and imaginative, which is purely Pisces. 

" When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace

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