

In Vedic astrology, the profession of a person can be assessed from the 10th house, which is naturally ruled by the sign of Capricorn. The ruler of this sign is Saturn, which is the planet of hard-work, service and struggles. We all can associate the qualities of the sign of Capricorn with our profession. It is true that any profession requires us to invest time, effort and energy. We also have to start from scratch  and struggle initially to make it big. It is also required for us to obey the rules and regulations and do our duty with honesty. All these qualities can be linked with Saturn as it teaches us to be disciplined, punctual and a hard-worker. Hence, it becomes important to look at the placement of Saturn in the D-1 chart as well as in the D-10 chart. 

The house position and sign in which Saturn is situated can tell us a lot about our profession. Eg: Saturn in the sign of Aries in 6th house in Bharani nakshatra can make an excellent lawyer, similarly in the 3rd house, it can make the person do his/her own business. Steve Jobs had an exalted Saturn in the 3rd house. It is also interesting to note that because Saturn was in Libra, he was always obsessed with the aesthetics of all his products and focused a lot on the design and simplicity. 

For knowing more about the profession, it is also important to look at the 10th house, the planets sitting there, the lord of the 10th house, the aspects, conjunctions and the sign occupied by the 10th lord and the nakshatra in which it is situated in. After looking at these things, one should also see the Amatya-karaka, or the planet holding the second highest degree in your natal chart. These things would give you a rough idea about your profession. However, it is also important to look at one more chart called the D-10 or the Dashamsha chart, which would give you a detailed overview about your profession.

In the D-10 chart, first it is important to look at the 1st and 10th house. You need to see the sign rising in the 1st house, where is the lord of that sign going, the conjunctions and aspects on the 1st house. Then look at the 10th house and note down all the above details about this house also. The two most important houses in your D-10 chart would be those houses in which the lord of the 1st and 10th house would be going. These two houses would give you a good idea about your profession and the area which you should be choosing. Along with this you also need to pay extra attention to any debilitated or exalted or Vargottama planet in your D-10 chart. These planets become extremely powerful and choosing a profession related to these planets is advisable. The time periods of these planets would also be extremely fruitful. 

You also need to note down the planets falling in the quadrant houses in the D-10 chart. The planets in the 1st and 10th house are specially important for a successful career life and their time periods would also be quite important. These four houses are the most powerful houses of the D-10 chart and for gaining higher positions in your career, they become extremely important. 

The 10th lord of your D-1 chart in your D-10 chart would give you a pretty clear picture of the nature of job. The sign would further give more details. It is good to have majority of the planets in fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in the D-10 chart as these signs tend to make you ambitious and driven towards your goals. People who have majority of their planets in earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) would work extra hard in their profession and would have to put in a lot of effort to achieve great positions. Having majority of the planets in water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) would make the person very casual, relaxed and disinterested in their profession. They would think about quitting their job very easily and would lack persistence and fire to achieve great things. 

Having Jupiter influence on your D-10 chart ascendant or 10th house can make the person inclined towards teaching, mentoring, advising or can also make the person a lawyer. Venus influence would make you go towards a creative line like singing, dancing. Relationships and women would play a vital role in your profession. Saturn influence would make the person work extra hard, would have to start from scratch but would help you reach great heights later. Rahu influence would make the person go towards technology, Psychology, Unorthodox professions or those connected with foreigners and foreign lands. Mars influence would also make you work extra hard, but you will be passionate about your job. Male colleagues would play an important role. Mercury can show multiplicity of professions and can also show professions related to media and communication. Mercury influence would also make you switch more. Moon influence can show a helping profession like that of a nurse or even a good career in politics. Sun can show a profession connected with the government or higher authorities. It can also show a career in politics. Ketu influence can show a healing profession or can also indicate research like in microbiology or nanotechnology. 

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