
Venus & Rahu Conjunction/ RAHU SHUKRA YUTI

Venus is the planet of luxury, materialistic things, creativity, and happiness. Being the significator of the fourth house, it also represents the things which give us comfort and make us happy. It is the seed of creative things and loves to enjoy life by being carefree. Being the natural ruler of the 2nd house also makes it the planet of wealth, speech, and resources. It also rules the sign of Libra, which governs relationships and marriage. Venus is also the significator of wife in a male chart. Rahu is the planet of illusion, mystery, and has the qualities of being cunning and smart. It wants to obtain everything in a short span of time with the shortest route possible. It represents foreign & exotic products and has an inpatient desire and need to want more of everything. 

When these two planets get conjunct in any house, it shows that the person would love and appreciate the foreign culture and foreign products. they would be interested in learning more about their culture and would have a desire to learn more about foreign countries. This also makes the person easily go for love marriage or an intercaste/interculture marriage and they are very openminded to people belonging to different ethnic backgrounds and cultures. Rahu and Venus are also very friendly to each other, so this also makes the person extremely creative and the person would prefer listening to foreign songs or would like to listen to electronic dance music. This is also a good combination to achieve fame and name.  On the negative side, it can make a person addicted to gambling or buying lottery tickets.  The native would also have a very charming personality, so the native would love to dress up in a very exotic manner. Rahu has the quality of amplification and it tends to expand the qualities of the planet with which it is conjunct. So with this conjunction, the person would love to spend money on materialistic things and it tends to make the person a spendthrift. The person would also have a desire to buy a big luxury vehicle or a big house. Depending on the sign, in which this conjunction is happening, the results would vary a bit.  If this conjunction happens in fire signs (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius) then it shows that the person would be quite determined and focused to obtain all the Venusian things. This can also make the person quite flamboyant and confident to impress people with their charm. If this happens in the nakshatra of Purva phalguni, then definitely, we can say that the person would love to show off their wealth and luxury and would be extremely creative. The person would also love to engage in many relationships, especially with people belonging to a different culture/ethnicity. In the sign of Aries, it would make the person extremely impulsive in relationships and the person would tend to change relationships very quickly, especially true if this occurs in Ashwini nakshatra. If this conjunction happens in earth signs (Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn) then it shows that the person would easily receive a lot of wealth and abundance and can also receive sudden gains, especially if this happens in the 2nd,6th,10th or 11th house. The effects would be more prominent if this conjunction happens in moon ruled nakshatras like Rohini, hasta, or sharvana nakshatra. In Taurus, the focus would be more on outer beauty and hoarding resources from everywhere. This can also make the person very flirtatious in relationships, especially if it is getting connected with the 1st,3rd,5th,7th, or 11th house. This is also a very good combination for someone who wants to go for any creative profession. If this happens in the hasta nakshatra, then it could give a gambling addiction, if the dignity of Rahu is not well in the D9 chart. In the sign of Virgo, it also makes the person extremely clever and manipulative in relationships. However, this is a good position for someone to do business. If this conjunction happens in air signs (Gemini/Libra/Aquarius ) then it shows that the person would be very good at impressing people with his/her communication, especially true if this happens in the sign of Gemini or Libra. This also makes the person travel a lot and the person would often explore different countries and cultures around the globe, especially if this is happening in the 1st,3rd,9th, or 12th houses. In Gemini and libra, the person would again engage in multiple relationships, depending on the dignity of Rahu in the D9 chart, would make the person very materialistic, flirtatious, and would lead a pleasure-driven life. In Aquarius, the person would often encounter very karmic relationships, and their love life could involve a lot of hidden secrets, especially if this happens in shatabhisha. If this conjunction happens in Chitra nakshatra, the person would be extremely talented and very creative. The person could be a designer, an architect or a photographer. In Ardra nakshatra, the person would have a very eccentric and peculiar dressing style and would love to wear shades and the color black. The person could have a partner, who could be emotionally volatile. If this conjunction happens in water signs (Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces ) then it shows that the person would be driven by emotions and feelings and these things would play a very important role in his/her relationships. In cancer, it can make the person very easily attached to their partner in relationships. The person would have experienced a lot of moodiness in relationships and would have a need to be pampered all the time. In Scorpio, the person would be extremely secretive in relationships and their love life often turns out to be like a roller coaster ride, with a lot of fluctuations. In Pisces, it could give a lot of abundance and wealth to the person, but the person would not really care about it that much. The person would however have a desire to sleep on a king-size bed and would have a desire to have a large bedroom. It can also make the person spend a lot of their money on foreign travel and shoes.

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