Venus is the planet of love, devotion and happiness in Vedic astrology. It is a benefic planet and is an important significator of wealth, luxury and comfort in astrology. In today's world, this planet becomes extremely important to look at. It is also the karaka of rejuvenation and knowledge. Hence it becomes an important karaka of healing and gives us the ability to come out of any adversity in life. It is a pure feminine energy and represents beauty and art. 

When Venus occupies the 10th house of profession and workplace, it shows that all the karakas of Venus become important to look at in the workplace. These significations would play an important role in the workplace. It shows that the native would achieve fame, recognition in her/his profession and would also achieve wealth from it. Females and feminine presence would become pivotal and the native would receive happiness from her/his work and would enjoy doing what they do. It may show that the native would be involved in a creative field, banking/medicine but for this, other combinations also have to be seen. As Venus also represents relationships and marriage, it can show that with any new relationship and when the native would get married, it would trigger something major in that person's professional life. It also shows that the native would rise after marriage, provided Venus is placed in a friendly sign and it is in good dignity in the navamsa chart. 

Venus would perform well in Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. It can also perform well in some other signs provided its dispositor is well placed in the chart. For eg: If Venus is placed in Virgo and Mercury is also placed with it. This combination can show that the native would achieve wealth and position after marriage. Venus might not perform that well in Cancer and Scorpio. When Venus is placed in Aries, it shows a very fresh energy and new energy in the workplace, it can also show breaks in profession if Ketu is linked with it. Aries energy also shows that the native would be very passionate about her/his work, but it might be difficult for the person to complete her/his tasks on time. When Venus is in Taurus/Libra, it shows that the native would use a lot of creativity in their work. Even if they are not in a creative field, they would always love to use creative solutions in their workplace and would present their work artistically. 

When Venus is in Gemini, it can show that the native might have some flirtatious relationships at the workplace and this combination also shows that the native would talk a lot during their work. When Venus is placed in Cancer, it shows that after marriage/relationship, the native's profession might undergo a lot of sudden changes. When Venus is in Leo, it can show that the native can receive some losses in his/her profession after marriage and the native's profession would definitely have a huge change after marriage. When Venus is placed in Sagittarius or Pisces, it can show that the native might be involved in some knowledge related work and the native's workplace would be a pleasant place to work. When Venus is placed with Saturn or in Saturn ruled signs, that is again positive and it shows that the native would work hard in their professional life and the more hard work they put in, they would receive more recognition and would gain more in life. 

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