In Vedic astrology, there are different houses which represent different things in our life. Some houses are positive and represent good things while certain houses are not that positive and represent some negative things. Loans, Mortgages and Debts are a fairly common part of our lives now. To finance various things, people take loans and sometimes are even covered in debt when they are not able to pay it off. We know that we see loans and debts from the 6th house in astrology and the karaka of the 6th house is Saturn and hence any kind of debt/loan can be seen from this planet as it is an amount that would be returned to the person/organization over time, in installments. The next question arises that can everyone or should everyone take loan, what are some of the combinations which show that a person shouldn't take loans or any kind of debts.
For this we need to assess the condition of the 6th house, the 6th lord and the karaka of the 6th house, which is Saturn. If there is a debilitated planet placed in the 6th house or the 6th lord is debilitated or placed with malefic planets, then it is not a good placement to take any kind of loan. If Saturn is debilitated in the chart, then again it is not a favourable position. When the 6th house receives very high ashtakvarga points, then again it shows that because the 6th house is becoming too strong, it is not a good sign. Like the case is with debilitated planets, in the same way if any planet becomes exalted and placed in the 6th house, that is also not a good position. The 6th lord should also be not exalted or conjunct any exalted planet. The best position is to have moderate number of points in the 6th house and if the 6th lord is placed in 6th/8th/12th/3rd house, that would be favourable. It shouldn't be placed in any extreme positions like that of exaltation/debilitation.
Another important planet to look at in this case is Mercury as it represents any kind of transaction which involves money or any kind of exchange. A debilitated or retrograde mercury is not good for taking loans. Retrograde planets placed in the 6th house or connected with the 6th lord can also give issues with returning the debt/loan. Exalted mercury in 6th house is a favorable position as Mercury performs well in the 6th house. One should also see the Mahadasha or Antardasha, the person is running to see if that period supports the loan taking. The condition of the 6th house should be in a neutral position and not in extreme positions. Even when the 6th lord is combust or debilitated in the D9 chart, that is also not a good position. If someone has exalted Jupiter in the 6th house or Exalted Venus in the 6th house, then that is also not a good position to take any kind of loan/debt. When the 6th lord gets connected with the 1st house in any way, then it shows that taking any kind of loan/debt becomes a important theme of the person's life.
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