


The navamsa chart or the D9 chart is considered the most important chart in Vedic astrology. It shows the fruits of the main rashi chart. We use the Navamsa chart for knowing more about the spouse and for life after marriage. The D9 chart gets activated as soon as the person gets married and starts giving it's results. Many at times, it happens that a person's life gets totally changed after marriage. In such cases, the D9 chart would definitely be showing a major transformation. The 7th house of the D9 chart tells us everything about your future spouse. It is also important to look at Venus, as it is the main significator of marriage. Aspects and conjunctions in the 7th house would tell us more. 

Since 7th house is the house of your future spouse and the trines to the 7th house should also be seen to know more about the spouse (Pt. Sanjay Rath). Planets in the 3rd, 7th and 11th house of the D9 chart would have a very dominant effect on the spouse's personality and the planet which is the strongest in these houses would be strong in the spouse's chart. For eg: For a virgo rising navamsa, if Jupiter is placed in the 11th house in cancer, it shows that the spouse would have a strong Jupiter in his/her chart. Jupiter could either be placed in the ascendant, or connected with the 1st house in some way. 

It is also important to look at the position of the 7th lord of the main rashi chart in the D9 chart, that would also give a more clear idea about the spouse. We can also know the direction from which the spouse would come. This can be done through the ashtakvarga chart, in which we have to see that in which trine, Venus gives the maximum number of points. We have to look at 4 trines for this. One trine is the 1,5.9 house trine, other one would be the 2,6,10 trine, another one would be the 3,7,11 trine and the last trine is the 4,8,12 trine. It is important to look at the rising sign of the ascendant for this. Eg: Suppose it is a libra ascendant, then the 1,5,9 houses would be Libra, Aquarius and Gemini and these are air signs, which represent the West direction. The 2,6,10 trine would have the sign of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer. The 3,7,11 trine would have the fire signs, which are Sagittarius, Aries and Leo. The fire signs represent the East direction. The 4,8,12 trine includes Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, which represent the South direction. Now, we will see that in which trine, Venus gives the maximum ashtakvarga points. If the 1,5,9 trine has the maximum points, then it shows that the spouse would come from the West direction. 

If there are multiple planets placed in the 3,7 and 11th houses of the Navamsa chart, then we would have to look at the planet or planets which are the strongest in this chart. For eg: If there is Rahu in Gemini in the 3rd house, Sun in the 7th house and Saturn in Aquarius, then the spouse would have Rahu and Saturn characteristics more prominent in their personality rather than Sun, since that is debilitated in the 7th house. 

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