Rahu in the 9th house is that placement where it comes in its maranakaraka position. This house is naturally ruled by Jupiter and the planet that signifies this house is also Jupiter. 9th house deals with higher education, long-distance travelling, religion, philosophy, father or father-like figures, righteousness, law, moral order and charity. Rahu is the foreign planet, who is unconventional, unorthodox and has a lot of desires. Rahu is an extremely goal-focused planet and is highly ambitious to achieve big things in life. It represents illusion and all the things that are deceptive and shadow like. In the 9th house, the native would have a lot of desire to travel to different countries and would find every opportunity to do so. Since this is the house of Jupiter, Rahu feels uncomfortable in this house and often swings between dualistic choices, in terms of making moral and ethical decisions. The person is often encountered with situations, where the person is in a moral dilemma. This position would also make the person love other cultures and religions and would make the person very open-minded. The person would also have a habit to question higher authorities and would not accept things at face value.
This placement of Rahu would make the person inclined towards going abroad for higher education and in signs of Venus and Mercury, the person would mingle very well with people belonging to different cultures and religions. This position can also make the person not interested in matters of religion and dharma. According to Pt Sanjay Rath, this placement also makes the individual get help in his/her career from foreign people, so if the person has a boss belonging to a different cultural background, that person would prove to be beneficial for the person. This placement also makes the individual inclined towards following a religion different than their own. The good point about Rahu in this house is that it makes the individual broad minded and makes the person a good thinker. Such individuals would always go to the depth of any subject to understand it and their way of gaining and delivering knowledge would be very unique. For a Pisces ascendant, if Rahu is placed in the 9th house, it can show that the individual may have an incident when his/her shoes would get stolen from the temple. This can also show some issues with father and clashes with father-like figures.
Rahu does very well in earth signs (Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn) and Air signs (Gemini/Libra/Aquarius) in this house. In the air signs, there are even more chances that the individual would travel very frequently. Rahu in this house can also give sudden changes/breaks in education since the 9th house is the house of knowledge. If Rahu is in Scorpio/Aquarius, then it can show that the person can do well in areas related to forensic science/psychology or research. Rahu in Leo in the 9th house can show that the person could try to boast their knowledge and would always present themselves as individuals who know more than you. This placement also makes the individual prone to run into conflicts with higher authorities/government or their father/Gurus. As Rahu would be aspecting the 1st house and 5th house from this position, it makes the person absorb the traits of Rahu and because 5th house is also the house of knowledge, it makes the individual quite drawn towards using knowledge and wisdom to their advantage and the person is able to find unique ways of using knowledge to enhance their brand image and name.
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