LORD: Mars   

SYMBOL: Bright Jewel or Pearl

DEITY: Vishwakarma (The celestial architect)

RANGE:  23.20' Virgo- 6.40' Libra 

Chitra Nakshatra is the 14th nakshatra of the zodiac belt. It falls in the sign of Virgo and Libra. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Mars and the shakti associated with this nakshatra is  Punya Chayani Shakti, which is the power to accumulate good karma in life. This nakshatra is connected with beauty, art and luxury and is a very creative nakshatra. As the ruling deity of this constellation is Vishwakarma, we can see the direct relationship of this nakshatra with architecture and designing/building things. Vishwakarma is a craftsmen deity who had  designed all the chariots of the Gods. Hence, creativity naturally flows in this constellation. If your 6th/10th lord or Saturn or Moon falls in this nakshatra, then you can be an excellent architect or designer. Many fashion designers and interior designers have this nakshatra prominent in their chart. On the Virgo side, this nakshatra can produce excellent planners and people who are very good at organizing things. They can also make great managers, on the Libra side, this nakshatra gets more creative and passionate due to the rulership of Mars. Another profession very strongly connected with Chitra is that of Law. Such natives can produce excellent lawyers and judges also. 

If Rahu gets conjunct Mercury/Venus in Chitra nakshatra, then such individuals can also do very well in Visual designing and Visual Arts. They can make some great UI/UX designers and can work with 3-D/ Animation etc. Prominent planets like Moon, Atmakaraka, 1st lord or Sun or having 3 or more planets in Chitra can make the individual extremely charismatic, attractive and Charming. They also tend to attract people of the opposite sex very easily and it is very easy for them to enter relationships. There is also something similar with this nakshatra like Rohini, that people tend to feel attracted to them sexually. Their vibe is like that, individuals feel naturally feel drawn towards them. If a female native has prominent Chitra in her chart, then she could have some issues with her  father-in-law. 

The animal symbol associated with this nakshatra is that of a Tiger, which shows that having Masculine planets like Sun, Mars in Chitra can also make the individual dominating and they could also be quite protective about their relationships and family. This nakshatra is also strongly connected with sexuality and having some retrograde planets can make this issue quite prominent in the  individual's life. Individuals with strong Chitra would also like bright colors and would like sparkly, glitter like things. They would always like to be the center of attention and would want to make themselves shine. The symbol of this nakshatra is a bright jewel or a pearl, so they always like to look spot on and perfect and love being in the limelight. That is why such natives naturally feel drawn towards acting, singing, performing. 

If the 5th lord or Jupiter is in Chitra, then the native would have a desire to have a lot of children. If 3rd lord is in Chitra, then the native would be blessed with great technical skills and can be good at sculpting or designing different things. Having 3rd lord or Mercury in Chitra shows that the native has the intelligence to be good at these things and they come naturally to the person. Chitra people can also be radio jockeys or TV anchors with this placement of 3rd lord and Mercury. Having 12th lord or Venus in Chitra shows that the person would love luxurious things and would like to spend money on all materialistic things and also would exert their energy on all Venusian things. Chitra nakshatra is also strongly connected with photography and pictures. Having planets like Rahu, Mercury or Venus can make the person an excellent photographer. Having Saturn Venus or Saturn in Chitra can show that the individual would love to collect pictures and would store pictures. 

" Shine Bright Like A Diamond " - Rihanna 

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