LORD: Jupiter
SYMBOL: Triumphal Arch, Potter's Wheel
DEITY: Indra-Agni
RANGE: 20.20' Libra- 3.20' Scorpio
Vishakha Nakshatra is the 16th nakshatra of the zodiac belt. It falls majorly in the sign of Libra and minorly in the sign of Scorpio. This nakshatra is ruled by the planet Jupiter and the shakti associated with this nakshatra is Vyapani shakti, which represents the power to achieve many fruits in life. This nakshatra is very fascinating as it has the magic to completely alter the path of an individual's life. Individuals who have a prominent Vishakha nakshatra in their chart ( Moon/ Asc lord/Atmakaraka or Asc in Vishakha) have a charismatic personality, they are very charming and have excellent convincing skills. As this nakshatra is lorded by Jupiter, they are quite intellectual, but can also be quite blunt and straight forward with their ideologies and beliefs. By nature, they are extremely ambitious, goal-directed and aim for higher things in life. Having the 10th lord in this nakshatra can make the person reach at very high positions in their career and would give them excellent leadership abilities.
As this nakshatra is ruled by Indra-Agni, it gives a lot of power to the individual and in some cases, if it is afflicted, can make the individual drunk on power. Rahu in Vishakha, if connected with the 2/6/10th houses would make the person materialistic and the person would run behind status and power. Rahu and Venus here can also make the individual an alcoholic or can make the person addicted to materialistic things. Rahu in 8th/12th house under the influence of Venus and Mars can make the person addicted to women, lust, drugs, alcohol etc. All kinds of addictions are very strongly connected with this nakshatra. As the deity of this nakshatra is Indra-Agni, it makes the individual lustful and power-minded. The person would have a lot of energy to exert and its up to the person that how they would use that energy. This nakshatra can also produce brilliant researchers, specially on the Scorpio side of this nakshatra. Jealousy also becomes an important theme in their life on the Scorpio side, the individual has a tendency to compare themselves with others and the person also attracts a lot of jealousy from other people.
Their goals mean the most to them, this is the star of purpose and they are always trying to find that purpose in their life. Sometimes, they may even get blinded with their goals and may not be able to see the real picture. Often, their lives are totally imbalanced and they are often left confused and may face an existential crisis, where they may question their life. They often have to choose between two options, two decisions and two choices, that is the branched/forked nature of this nakshatra. Their entire life is enveloped between chasing spiritualism or materialism. They are often confused between these choices and in this kali-yug, majority of Vishakaha nakshatra are chasing materialism over spirituality. This is an extremely transformational nakshatra and it has the capability to completely transform an individual's life.
9th house or Jupiter connected with Vishakaha nakshatra would make the individual headstrong about their own religious/political beliefs. They would love debating on social, economic and political issues. Vishakha natives do not trust people easily and are highly diplomatic. They can also make great politicians, motivational speakers and leaders. Often at times, they face a lot of emotional disturbances and inner conflicts and turmoil, which they always keep hiding. They are quite complicated to understand and decode and its very difficult to interpret them at face value. They are extremely competitive and because they have gone through so many hardships and different experiences in life, they become quite rough and blunt at times.
This nakshatra can make the individual reach great heights in life due to the power of the deity and such individuals usually get success after their 30s. They are also very quick witted, great communicators, extremely sensual, passionate and whatever they do in their life, they do it with full enthusiasm. They can also make great designers, scientists, journalists, politicians, psychologists etc. They should just know how to practice restraint and when to stop. Self- control is something which is very important for such individuals.
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