This placement is a very mystical position and is quite an interesting placement to have in your chart. 8th house represents mysteries, secrets, things which can't be seen, scandals, unpredictable sudden events, astrology, psychology etc. Venus here can give the native an interest towards the darker side of life and an indulgence in all sorts of pleasures, specially when it is associated with mars/mercury or Rahu in any manner. This house represents a lot of depth and the sign of Scorpio also represents the deep waters. Due to this deep nature, Venus here makes the native very passionate and deep in relationships. Such natives do not trust individuals very easily. Love, relationships and marriage would carry a lot of meaning in their life. If Venus is in movable signs (Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn) then it would give a tendency to switch to new relationships very quickly and such individuals would lack stability in relationships, unless Saturn gets conjunct or aspects this placement. 

As this house represents sudden events, usually such relationships have a roller-coaster like love life. If this Venus is afflicted with planets like Mars or Rahu, then it shows a lot of drama and turmoils in relationships. Only in the later part of their life, they gain stability in marriage and relationships. They are also highly sensual and passionate beings and would crave deep intimacy from their partner. When they do not receive that, they feel internally conflicted. They would be extremely secretive about their relationships and their feelings. Such individuals do not reveal their true feelings as they feel that they would get hurt in relationships. Their love would blossom after marriage and they could even gain inheritance, specially if this Venus forms a dhan yoga in chart. 

This placement of Venus is also very special because Venus in 8th house gives the native regeneration and rejuvenation abilities. They can make excellent healers if Venus is associated with Ketu or Moon or placed in water signs like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces. This also gives them psychic abilities. They should definitely practice meditation as this would help improve their intuitive powers. Such individuals would also be inclined towards research work, Tarot, Palmistry, Psychology, murder mysteries etc. This placement also gives the native beautiful eyes and a melodious voice. It also gives a lot of benefits from in-laws and the native usually has a good relationship with them, provided it is not afflicted. 

Such individuals often love solitude and like to spend time alone. They usually open up more in private settings and becomes shy, when in public. They also have amazing creative abilities and talents, which are not known by most individuals. No matter which creative act they perform, they would do it with a lot of depth and passion. If this position is afflicted in any way, this Venus would carry a lot of emotional baggage from past relationships and they can even be jealous and revengeful. The best way to balance this Venus energy and make it positive is through meditation and connecting with their inner soul. It is important for them to clear their emotional baggage and not let them poison their present.

In fire signs (Aries/Leo/Sagittarius), it can make the individual excessively passionate and internally dominating  in relationships. In Earth signs ( Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn), it can make the individual materialistic and money minded, but they would always try to hide this nature and show as if they don't care for wealth. This placement would also give them benefits and gifts from other people and their spouse's family. Venus in 8th can create magic and such individuals are born with healing and regeneration powers. They have the resilience and endurance to come out of the most painful and challenging times in their life.

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