Progression is a concept that is used extensively in Nadi astrology. Progression of planets like Jupiter and Saturn can be used to predict many important events in a person's life and it is super useful to give pin pointed predictions. We all know that since Jupiter stays in a sign for a year, it gives considerable amount of results in that span and to time any major event in your life, it is important to see  the effect of Jupiter. In progression, we simply move the planet from its natal position to the next house and consider that to be 1 year. For eg: If Jupiter is placed in your 7th house in Aries at 14 degrees, then from the day, you are born, Jupiter will start to progress and from 0-1 years of your life, Jupiter would give results of the 7th house and also of the 8th house. In the initial part of the year, it would give results of the 7th house and in the later part, it would give results of the 8th house. While predicting the results, it is also important to see where the lords of these houses are placed. If the 7th lord mars is placed in the 8th house, it can show that the native's mother might have had an accident/surgery as the 7th house is 4th from the 4th house, so it also shows the native's grandmother.

When Jupiter goes over the natal positions of the planets, then also one can predict the results that would be offered in that time. Eg: When Jupiter progresses over Venus, it can show that the native might start a new relationship or might get married. If not this, then the native might receive money/financial gain from somewhere. In the progression, it is important to note the degree at which Jupiter is placed in, if Jupiter is at 27 degrees in Virgo in 9th house in your chart, then the results of the next house would be more and in the 0-1 year, most results would be felt of the 10th house.

Jupiter takes 12 years to complete the entire cycle and to return back to its natal position. So at the 24th year, the native would experience the results of the same house where it is placed in your natal chart. When Jupiter goes over natal Saturn, it will show that the native could get a new job or could get promoted. When Jupiter progresses over the 5th house, it could show child-birth of acquiring knowledge. When it happens over Rahu, it could show some new beginning or the native could go to a foreign land. When Jupiter progresses over Ketu, it can make the person spiritual and it is excellent time to learn meditation. When it happens over Mercury, it could show that the person can start a new degree or go towards learning something new. It is also important to see the houses that these planets are ruling, over which Jupiter progresses as the results of those houses would also be experienced by the native.

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