Spirituality is a personal experience and differs from person to person. It helps us to find meaning and purpose and helps us to experience life in a different way. In Vedic astrology, there are different combinations in the chart that can show how spiritual a person would be and how deep the person would go. We know that the major planets that represent spirituality are Ketu, Sun, Jupiter, Moon and Saturn in certain special positions. The water signs play a major role in making a person spiritual. The moksha houses (4th, 8th and 12th houses) become extremely important to look at. If the number of spiritual combinations goes up in the chart, it also shows that the person's interest towards materialistic things would slowly decrease with time and also towards all kinds of relationships. Certain nakshatras also become important to look at and also the positions of these planetary combinations in the D9 & D20 chart.
When we talk about spirituality, the first planet that comes to our mind is Ketu as this planet has nothing to do with materialism. Ketu in 1st/4th/8th/12th or even the 5th/9th house can make the person spiritual and when its close to the ascendant or moon, it gives special ability to the native to be extremely intuitive and it is easy for them to let go things and become detached with things. It is also important to look at the sign in which it is placed. The water signs in these houses would very strongly support spiritualism. The sign of Pisces is also co-ruled by Ketu and as this sign is the last sign of the zodiac belt, it shows the exit and ending of things, it is connected strongly with isolation and peace.
The nakshatras that become important are Revati, Mula, Pushya, Purvabhadrapada etc. Ashlesha, Ashwini and Vishakha can also make the person spiritual but other planetary combinations should also support it. Vishakha & Purvabhadrapada can go both ways, it can make the person extremely spiritual or extremely materialistic also. It is important to see where these two nakshatras are leading the person towards. In such cases, the lordship of these nakshatras become essential.
If their lord is conjunct a spiritual planet and connected with moksha houses in water signs, then we can say that it would make the person more spiritual over time.
Other combinations that point towards spirituality is the conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn, Saturn with Ketu, Jupiter with Sun, Ketu with Jupiter. etc. If these combinations happen in the ascendant or is conjunct with Atmakaraka or connected with 1st house lord, then it would point towards the same thing. If these conjunctions happen in 8th/12th/4th house, then also it becomes prominent. In any spiritual person's chart, you would definitely find these houses occupied with planets. Another interesting thing could be the occupation of majority of the planets in the 1st/2nd/12th house, which shows that the focal point of the person's life would be them only. It is also important to note these combinations in D9 chart. Another combination is the Saturn Ketu Venus conjunction, this conjunction can also make the person extremely spiritual and if the person is not religious/spiritual, then it can create problems in professional/relationship sphere.
It is also essential to note the placement of Moon, Sun and Atmakaraka as Moon rules over our mind and it shows what kind of thoughts the mind generates. When Moon is afflicted with Saturn/Ketu or Sun, it would make the person's mind restless and they would try to find peace through different ways. Moon in 8th/1st/12th/4th/5th house with Ketu would also make the person try to find an escape through going inwards. Sun represents our soul and its connection with Ketu/Jupiter in these houses would make the person religious and spiritual. Eg: Swami Vivekananda had Sun in 1st house. Greater number of planets in Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius and Pisces would also make the person oriented towards these things.
People think that Venus is the planet of materialism and has nothing to do with Spirituality but lets not forget it gets exalted in Pisces and it represents devotion at its core. In a lot of spiritual charts, we find a very strong Venus, in exalted position and in Moksha houses or connected with Saturn/Ketu/Jupiter. This planet is also equally important to look at along with the other planets.
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