Rahu in vedic astrology represents fame, power, illusions, deceptions, magic, amplified objects etc. We know how important this planet is in our lives today and to achieve anything big, we need the support of Rahu. At the same time, Rahu represents obtaining materialistic things through illegal means. 11th house in Vedic astrology represents gains, fulfillment of wishes and desires, elder sibling, community, networking and our friends. This house also represents father's younger sibling. In order to obtain anything in life, this house is extremely pivotal. A planet like Rahu does really well in this house and as this house naturally represents gains, desires etc. Such individuals are really good at networking and using their friends to achieve greater things in life. It also shows that such individuals would love attending parties, large gatherings and may also be part of some larger community, NGO or network. They love being in the limelight and have a lot of desires and wishes in life. Rahu in this house also helps them to fulfill these wishes and desires. 

This also shows that they would be friends with people from different cultures and maybe even different countries. They can connect very easily with people who are not from their own culture and place. It also shows that foreigners would help such people. It also shows that their incoming wealth can also fluctuate a lot and their gains and losses would also fluctuate a lot, specially if it is placed in a watery sign like cancer or scorpio. When Rahu is placed in stable earth signs like Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn in this house, it performs very well, and such individuals are able to gain a lot financially with the help of their networking skills. This placement also makes them shrewd, and they can also be really cunning with making money. In Taurus or if it is conjunct Venus in the 11th house, then it shows that Rahu would make the person hoard a lot of materialistic things in life and the person would be fond of luxury, the person would gain through females, specially such females who are not from their culture. This is also a combination of fame, and the person would be well known in their community. In Virgo, it shows that the native would be cunning with making money and would be extremely calculative with respect to their network circle, would use their mind a lot while dealing with their friends and would look at their gains/losses while making a relationship with any person. When Rahu is placed in air signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, it shows that such individuals are really good at communicating with their network circle and they would be extremely well connected with their friends even after becoming apart due to some circumstances. They are also extremely proactive at reaching out to people for help. 

When Rahu is placed in fire signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, then it shows that such individuals would be extremely hungry for the fulfillment of their desires and they would have really ambitious and dynamic people in their network circle. In the sign of Leo, it can show that they could know some high level people in government or who are associated with Royalty. This can also be true if Rahu is conjunct Sun in the 11th house. In Aries, it shows that Rahu's energy is pretty scattered, and the focus of Rahu over here would be satisfying the basic needs of survival through their network circle. In Sagittarius, it shows that the individual would reach out to their friends for advice, and they would also have intellectual people in their network circle. In water signs like cancer, scorpio or Pisces, it shows that people in your network circle would carry a lot of emotional baggage. In cancer, it can show that there would be people in your network, who would need emotional support of some sort. It also shows that with respect to your network circle, you yourself might feel extremely emotional and can get easily attached to people. In Scorpio, it can show that people in your network circle may push you to try different things and might influence you a lot emotionally. In Pisces, it can show that there would be people in your network circle who could be connected with foreign lands. 

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