The zodiac belt consists of 12 signs , out of which scorpio is the 8th sign and aquarius is the 11th sign which is ruled by mars and saturn respectively . We often regard these two signs as karmic and any planet which is placed in these signs is considered pretty important . These signs are considered karmic because of their co-rulership by the nodes of the moon , which means that these two signs are co-ruled by two planets simultaneously.The sign of scorpio is also ruled by ketu along with mars & the sign of aquarius is also ruled by rahu along with Saturn . So these signs would have a mixed energy of the two ruling planets . That is why while observing any chart it is important to consider both the planets to see the results of the houses ruled by scorpio and aquarius .
Both these signs also relate very strongly with our past because of the influence of water in these two signs . The sign of scorpio is naturally a water sign and the sign of aquarius has the element of water in it . The word aquarius in itself only has the word " AQUA" in it which means water and the word aquarius literally means the " water carrier " . So it is evident that these two signs have a lot to do with water . The sign of scorpio is a mix of the mars and ketu energy and the sign of aquarius is the mix of saturn and rahu energy . The sign of scorpio has a lot to do with depth , intensity and mystery . It has a very secretive energy and has a lot to do with transformation and change . So any planet which is placed in this sign would take on these qualities . Depending on which planet goes in this sign is also hinting at the fact that things related to that planet and the houses which it rules in your chart have to be dealt with some caution and care . It may also have a lot to do with your own past and issues or events that have happened in your past . Due to the mix of these two energies , the issues related to these houses also have to be dealt with a lot of patience . What these two planets are trying to make us understand is that we need to look for balance & stability in these things . We also need to self introspect ourselves and look deep down inside us to understand the complexities of these situations . For e.g. : If someone has the sign of scorpio in his 9th house and mercury is occupying the 9th house , it can show that the person has to speak with a lot of caution and care when he/she communicates with their elders , teachers or gurus . Maybe the person's patience would be tested in certain situations , but he/she needs to practice restraint & self control. It can also show some past issues and frustration related to these individuals . So this sign is really trying to teach us to be more tolerant and patient . Issues from the past could also mean karma which is created in this life or a previous life . So this sign also in a way can give us a hint as to in which areas of our life , we need to work on and improve on .
The sign of aquarius has a mix of the energies of saturn and rahu . Both of these planets are somewhere similar to each other , yet very different . Again , we would find a lot of hidden and secretive energies in this sign . Just like the sign of scorpio is trying to make us more stable and patient , the sign of aquarius aims to make us more humane and strive to achieving a higher purpose in life . It has a lot to do with your network circle and with large organizations or communities like NGOs and not for profit organizations. It basically aims to make the person less selfish and more giving in nature . It is also somewhere trying to be more forgiving and move towards attaining peace . Wherever this sign is placed or with whichever houses this sign is linked to , it really focuses our attention on our karma ( actions ) and also if we are able to learn from our past mistakes and transform ourselves into a better human being . It has a lot to do with improvement and paying off our previous unfinished karma . If we see the symbolism associated with this sign , it is a water bearer or a water carrier , which really shows that it aims to make a difference in the world by helping people. Eg: If venus occupies the sign of aquarius , it is really trying to teach us to become a better person in relationships , to not be selfish and to learn from our past relationships . It can also show that the person strives to make this world a better place and supports humanitarian causes for the welfare of the society . So it is important to be able to learn and do good karma related to the aspects of the planet or the houses with which this sign is linked to .
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