Marriage is an important part of our lives and it is a journey that we spend with our partner. The entire process of marriage is beautiful for many people, while for some other people, it might be challenging and may transform their lives in many different ways. In this article, we will be seeing how to see the possibility of two marriages in a person's life and what are the different combinations in a person's chart that gives rise to multiple marriages. 

When we talk about anything that is dual or multiple, the first planet that comes to our mind is 'Mercury'. This planet rules two dual signs in the zodiac belt (Gemini and Virgo) and also has a tendency to multiply things and in which ever house, it gets connected with, it tends to multiply the significations of that house. So a simplistic position to see this would be when Mercury is in the 7th house, gets connected with the 7th lord or when the 7th lord is posited in Gemini or Virgo. Venus, which is the natural karaka of the 7th house and marriage, if it gets connected with Mercury can also give rise to two marriages. There are also some other combinations that should be seen in the main D1 chart, as well as in the D9 Navamsa chart to really ascertain if the native would have multiple marriages or not. More than the D1 chart it becomes very essential to see the D9 chart.

  • Mercury in 7th house/connected with 7th house in D1 and D9 chart
  • 7th lord in Ashlesha, Jyestha or Revati ( Mercury ruled nakshatras)
  • Venus Mercury in 7th house 
  • 7th lord/Venus going in Dual signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces) 
  • 7th lord of D1 chart going in a dual sign in D9 chart
  • Venus in Dual signs in the D9 chart 
  • Strong Jupiter in the 7th house 
  • 7th lord of D9 chart going in Dual sign in the D9 chart 

Jupiter is also capable of giving multiple marriages when it gets connected with the 7th house as it tends to expand the signification of the house it is placed in. When we look at KP astrology, we can get a lot of clues in that as well. For that one needs to see the 7th house Cuspal Sign lord, Nakshatra Lord and the Sub-lord. If Mercury or Jupiter appears in these three lords, then that would give one indication towards a dual marriage. It is also important to see in which sign the 7th house cuspal lord is going. If it is going in a dual sign, then again that becomes an indication. Then the 2nd Cuspal sublord also needs to be looked at. If that planet is becoming a significator of the 2,5,7 and 11 houses, that increases the chance of a dual marriage.

There are also other combinations to see if the person would have multiple marriages, like from the Upapada Lagna (UL). If the 2nd house in the UL is having a dual sign like Gemini, then it becomes an indication for a dual marriage. If malefic planets like Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Ketu occupy the 7th house and affect the 7th lord, then also it indicates the possibility of a dual marriage. 

It is also very important to see which Dasha the person is running. It might be possible that there is promise of dual marriage in the person's chart but the person does not run the dasha of the planet which was supposed to activate that combination. It is important that the person should run the Mahadasha of the planet that is connected with the 7th house, 2nd house or 11th house. 2nd house represents second marriage as it is 8th from the 7th house. The second spouse is also to be seen from the 2nd house. When the 2nd lord gets connected with the 11th house and when the 7th house gets connected with 9th house and 11th house, then also it increases the possibility of multiple marriages. It is also important to see all these combinations of planets in the D9 chart. It is also important to see if there is any connection between the 12th house and 3rd house of the D9 chart to see the possibility of a second marriage.

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